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Hey GizMo


Mate - you are not an idiot - and you are not stupid. Look what you did - it ain't crime of the century - you had a weak moment and told her to F off - so what - you can't take it back mate.


It will feel like you have nothing left inside and this is only natural - it sucks but it is natural. You will feel useles and a waste of space whilst this is so fresh and raw. Take one day at a time for now - and try and keep really busy - it wil be hard as hell at first but I promise you will start feeling better about your situation and better about you.



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OH MY Gizmo..that was a NO, NO!!! Dude, last saturday I got kinda trashed and I have no idea how I did NOT call her! I looked at my history on my cell the next day and man was I happy! I miss her immensely and she told me day after valentines day she met someone, giving him a chance, leave me alone, blah, blah, it was like a rusted sword right through the heart! My cousin says her facebook status is "single" but that may change very soon. I still have hope but I am dying inside thinking she is with somebody else. hang in there bud. WOW 3 FU's?

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What can i say?? I was extremely hurt because she moved on so quickly. It literally felt like 3 years was for nothing. It's funny because i knew she wasn't at our apartment when i heard a door slam. That really gave it away seeing as though we don't have doors that do that! Arg, now that i slept it off, i feel bitter and defeated. I sure hope i have enough strength to get through this or else i am going to lose it.

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I am 6 months in and at 1st it sucked SO BAD..I would cry and go into deep bouts of depression, but now it is a lot easier. The tone of my day doesnt revolve around if he finally contacts me or not. It hurts still but it is ok, I am alright with the outcome. Hang in there, i know you dont see a light at the end of the tunnel but there is one.

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this seriously sucks..it feels like my heart was just crushed. I have a hard time concentrating at work and i have no idea how i am going to continue on like this. My heart has exploded and all i can do is break down and cry. I would have done it at work, but i held it in until i came home. This really hurts and it sucks. I guess it's more like 1 minute at a time or i am going to end up killing myself. BLAH!

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