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Please help! I dont know what 2 say anymore

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Me and my guy have been having this long distance relationship for about a year now. We see each other every now and then but for the most part we dont see each other enough thereforeeee, the phone is practically our only option so, we talk almost everynight and now i feel like i'm running out of things to say i know everything about him and he does me... and it's being a pain to think of new things ... some please help i need guidance

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hmmm, this is very challenging... maybe theres jus tnothing to talk about? But also try talking about your future, or what you guys think will becom of you in 20 years, or maybe theres no spark of interest in your guys's relationship anymore... you could try to talk about current events or something other than yourselves, such as what happened on the news or so on, so forth.... i dont know this is a hard question to answer... just try to think about it...

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Long-distance romance really only works if there's some kind of plan to be together...a specific plan with a date. You really don't have a relationship anymore. It's more of a telephone buddy, at best, with a virtual stranger. Your best bet is to talk and say either we move to the same city or we see other people/break up. I think you need a real-live bf...not this.

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