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Think she is losing interest.

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Heres the situation. This girl has been my friend for a long time. After a long time we finally hooked up last week. Its been going ok so far but we have yet to go out on an official first date and have not kissed besides taps on the lips. At first I was feeling that she liked me and it felt like she and I felt the same way about each other. Now I have gotten word that she might have lost interest in me and is interested another guy. She hasnt told me this but I got it from a reliable source. I dont know how I should go about dealing with this. Guys I REALLY wanna make this work cause this girl means a lot to me. All suggestions are gladly appreciated.

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basically,there seems to be a lack of communication.


either ask straight up at the right moment

or just ang out as per usual and just see if she seems tense or rigid.

if she cant come out,ask why and judge if the reason is valid.


basically,just talk to her and see whats happening.other ppl can be unreliable or make mistakes in judgement of ehat is said/done.

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