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What sheds fat quicker - cardio or weights?


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I love the classes at the gym but have never been that keen to do the weights. I had a trainer a few years back so I know how to use the main ones, but I don't get the same buzz that I get from cardio.


I am currently going 4 x week. I do a boxing class, a spin/bike class, a body attack and a basic training (like a circuit, involves weights and running).

I also go for a few jogs a week for about 30 minutes.


I am eating very well, museli and yoghurt, a lot of vegies, fish, tuna and red meat. Limiting my carb to 1 slice of Rye bread a day.


My question is, if I want to loose my "love handles" and my tummy - is cardio the best?



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You should do both.


Cardio puts you in a calorie burning zone that helps burn fat.


Adding muscle via lifting increases your resting metabolism (muscles use more calories) so you burn more over the day. You don't burn "as much" during the workout (running a mile (whatever pace) would burn say 100 calories, whereas lifting for most people for an hour....at least the weight you would be would be 200 calories) but the building of muscle increases your overall metabolism.


Don't skimp on carbs...they are fuel for your brain AND your muscles (and important to be able to have energy to really go all out in workouts). Just choose healthy carbs (whole grains, etc).


I think if you do the basic training and are doing some weight lifting, that is probably enough....you don't need to "just" lift weights. Circuit training is great. I don't "just" lift weights...I do circuits, calisthenics as part of my cardio or after it. Things like boxing (with heavy bag) also build muscle too.....weight training is a form of building muscle but is not the only way to do so...anything that adds resistance (pushups, pullups, hill training..) also helps build muscle. If you do the circuit workout (with some weights) 2x or so a week, that is probably adequate along with all the other stuff to have lean muscle and keep your metabolism up.

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Oh, and you can't "spot train". I am not sure what your "tummy and love handles" are like but most women are going to have a bit more softness in belly unless they decide to become fitness competitors and take things as this is part of the body's way of staying fertile (fat is stored in tummy and thighs). Most women have a bit of "softness", and I am just saying this to be realistic. All of us our different body wise, and if it's not in the cards to have a 6-pack...you probably won't get one....I know fitness competitors whom can't even get a 6-pack despite doing EVERYTHING "right", just the way their bodies are!


If you have a lot of extra fat there....it's just going to take time and patience. Drink lots of water, eat healthy, keep up what you are doing and be patient......it can take 3-6 months to REALLY see results from a new workout program.

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yeah i gotta agree with raykay... not just about how doing both is the way to go, but eat up on the carbs. carb-fasting is not the right way to lose weight long-term. you need to keep a balanced diet. carbs are very important to healthy body/brain function. if you're trying to lose weight, just keep the exercise high and limit overall calories.

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RayKay - ok great - thanks a lot. You post makes a lot of sense.


I definetly agree that there is toning in boxing. I can feel it in my arms afterwards, and I am sure it is just as beneficial as "lifting weights".


Re carbs. I am eating a slice of RYE bread a day and then every second day I am having either wholemeal pasta or some boiled potatos for lunch - is that enough?


Also on average how much should I expect to loose a week, if I keep up the classes and continue to eat well?

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yeah i gotta agree with raykay... not just about how doing both is the way to go, but eat up on the carbs. carb-fasting is not the right way to lose weight long-term. you need to keep a balanced diet. carbs are very important to healthy body/brain function. if you're trying to lose weight, just keep the exercise high and limit overall calories.


Ok thanks for that. Just as long as I am not eating them in every meal yeh? I am trying to eat them once a day and the rest made up of protein, fruit and vegies?

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Ok thanks for that. Just as long as I am not eating them in every meal yeh? I am trying to eat them once a day and the rest made up of protein, fruit and vegies?


no no not at all, first of all you don't want to keep carbohydrates to once a day. second of all, fruit is a simple carbohydrate. they're great, especially before and after workouts. don't go overboard on them though. then you have vegetables, which are complex carbs... they really aren't a lot of calories and the more of them you eat the better while you're trying to lose weight. they will give energy throughout your day and they fill you up which is great because they aren't dense in calories. plus they're high in fiber which will also help you lose weight. starches are another form of complex carbs and perhaps limit them to twice a day if you're trying to lose weight. other than that, yeah a high protein diet is a good way to lose weight. there is nothing wrong with a bit of healthy fat too, just don't go overboard.

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