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Remedy for scars


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Hello. Does anybody know of any good creams or treatment for scars? I went skiing about a month ago and I got hurt pretty bad, now I'm left with these small but ugly dark scars on my legs and my hip.

Also, I have very sensitive skin thats prone to rashes, I recently got one and although it's almost gone, it's still very itchy and I'm left with this ugly brown mark.

So any suggestions? Thanks beforehand.

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Cocoa butter all the way....I prefer the one sold at the Body Shop.


also, you may want to try Apple Cider Vinegar that's been diluted with water. It helps with brown marks. But try a small amount first since you claim to have very sensitive skin.


There are some other natural lightening items you can use, but they are hard to find like licorice extract.


I heard that Mederma works as well, but it's pretty expensive.

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