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hematospermia problem......

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Ummm, this is sort of embarrassing, but I have noticed that my ejaculations have consisted of almost nothing BUT pure blood lately and it is starting to scare me. I mean there is hardly any semen whatsoever it's just almost pure blood.


It is sort of scaring me so if anyone knows anything about what I should do please give me some suggestions or something.

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hmmm, i heard of this before wile urinating, but never before "ejaculation" have you lifted anything heavy, been hit inside, internally, you might be bleeding, i would get to the hospital VERY soon, maybe even tonight...ask to see a doctor in private, or your own doctor..that isn't something you should wonder about, it should be an automatic RED FLAG to get to the emergency room A.S.A.P. Don't wait any longer. it could lead to more damage of whatever is causing this. than again it might just be normal, Not sure. but doubt that highly

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Well, I looked it up on the internet, and it says that it probably not life-threatening, but is a sign that something is wrong.


By the way:




Most of the websites made it seem like it was only a little bit of blood, but I have almost nothing but blood coming out. That's what is concerning me...

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Ok, good news for now atleast. I went to go see a doctor and he said that it's possible that this will go away in a month regardless of whatever caused it.


And if it doesn't go away in a month... I'll have to see a specialist for further testing.....


So. well see....

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