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Well...Here I go...


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Well, I started a new semester of college and in my first class of Japanese I noticed a girl that I may want to get to know a little more. She seemed to know a lot considering this is a 101 class. I already took 2 years of the language in high school, but that was almost a year or so ago, so while I know a lot more than the average person in the class I'm still horribly rusty. She seems like it's easy to make her laugh. It so that part will be cake once I get to it, but I don't really know how I can really start off casually talking to her... I'm planning on sitting next to her next class.


My original plan was to greet her in Japanese and ask for her name (I honestly don't know it), then say that it's a pretty name (god hope it is )as well as introduce myself (this is ALL in Japanese). But due to the fact that it may not only be a little stale I'm also not sure if she would understand it because we haven't really learned it in this class yet. I'm not so sure about it anymore. So does anyone else have any ideas they can provide for me? I'm really trying hard to meet more females and make friends this year.

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I would just talk to her as well. Personally, I wouldn't do the Japanese thing; anything that says "look how cool I am" in such large and obvious letters is in reality anything but, and I think I would be hard pressed not to burst out laughing if I witnessed someone doing that, but then that's just one grouchy opinion, so don't pay too much attention to it.

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yeah doing it in japanese is a risky move... if its really within your comfort zone, go for it


Well... I think she would like it... But I mean , it's a Japanese class. I gotta do something... Well, I guess since the female opinion in this topic seems to like it, I'll go ahead and try it. Now I just wait til Wednesday.

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Well... I think she would like it... But I mean , it's a Japanese class. I gotta do something... Well, I guess since the female opinion in this topic seems to like it, I'll go ahead and try it. Now I just wait til Wednesday.


I'm worried that this move is a bit out of your comfort zone and that you'll be building up the pressure by "planning it" and all of that stuff. i would think just winging it without expectations would be easier, but I wish you luck in whatever you choose.

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Actually it turns out that I know a lot and SHE doesn't. Today everything actually worked out in my favor, we were suppose to go around and meet people and the class and introduce ourselves in Japanese. We had a limited time to meet 8 people so flew through people just to get to her. She wasn't looking at me so I waved my hand in front of her face saying "sumimasen!" which is "excuse me!" in Japanese.


We both laughed and slight nervousness caused me to make mistakes. We were suppose to actually introduce ourselves by our LAST NAME and I did my first name. She couldn't understand my name in Japanese accent, so I wrote it down for her and told her how to pronounce it. She laughed while I did that.


After class I talk to her in the hall and asked her if I was suppose to tell her my last name. I asked her for her first name and she gave it to me. Then she clarified that she knew my first name. After, she said it was nice to meet me, and we went our own way. In class we actually have to double up and work on oral presentations. I WILL ask her next time if she would like me to work with her since I have 2 years experience and wouldn't mind helping her learn new things too. I'm SOOOO HAPPY!

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Uh there is kind of a problem... The class is huge, and full and we don't get into the class at the same time so I end up being far away from her because people who come in will fill up all the seats near me. I want to be next to her, but if I get there too early or too late, I'm screwed! What do I do?

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Could you not wait for her outside?

Make sure she isn't inside already though.


Yeah, I discussed the scenario with my friend (who also is in the class) and he said it would be best if I just waited for her outside of class before we go in. Um, what should I say to her as she walks up to class? I mean I'm going to greet her but, besides that, I really have no idea what else I'd say as she comes up to class...

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Well if she asks why are you out here you could say I didn't feel like going in yet.


Sounds good! Thanks! Everyone thanks for the help, I really appreciate it! I'm really excited, as this is one of the few times where my plan is actually coming together nicely.


I'm thinking of actually teasing her a little. I haven't been one to compliment much anyway and when I try it, it doesn't work out the best. Though, I haven't teased anyone in like 7 years...

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Just for an update, things didn't really turn out too well...](*,) I tried to be friendly with her before I asked her if we could study, but she seemed like she was getting annoyed. It was so bad that we had an assignment where we were suppose to speak with as many people as we could and she wouldn't even attempt to talk to me. I had to beg her to (because I NEEDED to initiate a convo with at least one person, everyone else initiated me first)... There was this other girl in class who I actually talk to last class, she was fun and I talked to her more today. After class I asked her to help me and she was happy to, so we are going to work together. Funny, how that all worked out in the end...

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