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A book: "Honouring your Anger"


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This is a recent find of mine, and WOW!, I love it.


For anyone that has issues with anger - this book really connected with me. Perhaps because the lady has enough experience both personal and professionally that I really feel like she "got" the meat of what is really happening.


Has anyone else read it and used it?


I am still working through it, but I am seeing BIG differences in how I deal with and understand my anger already.


Anger has been a reoccurring issue for me. No need to spill my whole history here, but it is messy. Anger has been a long time "companion" - virtually on a daily basis, it interferring with my quality of life!


For a while, was only feeling an up and down of anger, and then apathy. It was like the anger sucked everything else out of me.


Right from the start, I felt this huge relief in finding this book. Here is a quote that I've really been wanting to share, a taste of what the book offers:


"There are quite a few books available on anger, but most focus on helping those who are out of control or abusive learn to contain their anger or find healthy outlets for it.

Although we certainly can't deny that those people create enormous problems for themselves, those close to them, and society at large, those who are unable to express their anger - either out of fear of consequences or because they are out of touch with themselves- pose an equal amount of problems."


It was like a huge weight off my shoulders to read that!! Like, THANK YOU. Thank you for seeing that, saying that, and not putting all the blame yet again on the handiest people to throw all the anger, fear, shame, hate, at.


" Companies pour millions of dollars into providing anger management courses for their employees. But few, if any, spend money on helping those who deny, suppress, repress their anger. And while some books have pointed out to women and men that expressing their anger will help them to become more assertive and to feel confident, few make the point that women and men who submerge their anger actually encourage abuse and encourage others to act out their anger for them."


No kidding!! Yes!! Finally. I'd been waiting for someone to say this and not look at me like a monster when I've expressed this before, not look at me like I am crazy !!


How this applies to me is HUGE.


Ok, thoughts. ? Thought this is a different sort of discussion on abuse, and one that is badly needed!

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Sounds good. I was always taught that anger was a bad thing and felt ashamed for feeling angry. I always sucked it in and there were times when it would have been better to just get angry!


I think the key is how you show the anger, as people who get out of control are as bad as those who repress everything.

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  • 10 months later...

Hi itsallgrand


Thank you for posting this book about anger.


I just ordered it. I've also been told, that I have to suppress my anger.


Mostly I can handle my anger quite well, but sometimes I could ....


In order to handle all our human emotions wisely I'm looking forward to this




Best wishes,



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