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Really need some help...


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I have a problem. When I drink, I drink too much and I can't stop. An example is last night, I had $80 on me and I blew it all on drinks, got so drunk, did stupid things, made stupid phone calls, wasted all my money and messed up my body even more. The next morning (today) I will always swear I have to change and stop because this doesnt take me anywhere literally!!!! It's just a night spent drinking and wasting money with no reason, but everytime I say Ill stop...next weekend comes and I repeat!!!!


How can I stop this...advice please!

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Well, this is something that is difficult to give advice on, but I can think of 2 things.


1) Get help. Go to Alcoholics Anonymous. Even if you don't drink often you still have a problem. However, just going to a few meetings likely isn't going to change things, is it? Changes like that have to come from within you. But seeing and hearing the devastation that alcohol abuse can have on friends, family, and relationships might help.

2) Realize how self-destructive this behavior is. Where is this going to lead you ultimately?

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My boyfriend used to be an alcoholic. (He says if one's an alcoholic, he'll always be an alcoholic. He can only try to stay sober but deep down he knows he'll always be an alcoholic.)


In any case... this is what he does. Before he drinks (which is often, he does this one to two times a week,) he sets a limit for himself before he even starts. Today, he's only going to drink 2 drinks. If he knows that, then he won't order beyond that limit.


Of course, you have to first know your limit if you want to use that method.

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Maybe to start out you can go to the wqd (we quit drinking) internet forums. I don't know the exact address but you can do a search and it should come up pretty quickly. It's a good start because there's lots of people posting there that have stories about how improved their lives are since they stopped drinking. It might be inspiring for you to read and then try to quit for a while and see how you feel.

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What are you trying to escape?


I was a bout drinker and was trying to escape the way I was living life. I was not being genuine, courageous, in life choices. I was taking the 'easy' choice.


I have stopped drinking now.


talo asks a very good question. Some drinkers do it to escape, whether they no it or not. Personally, drinking became a crutch for me and became a method of "shutting off" and not having to deal with things.

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I agree with the posts about admitting you have a problem and seeking help. However, I also have a slight twist. About 2 years ago, I felt I was drinking too much. I went to a nutritionist. She identified that I had a sweet tooth and that I wasn't keeping my blood sugar levels up throughout the day. Thus, I was prone to coming home and eatting stuff like pretzels to spike the sugar levels or having a drink. And of course, after having one, I would want another one.


The upshot is the nutritionist suggested I eat more whole grains such as brown rice and quinoa. She also recommended snacking throughout the day on peanuts and raisins, eatting more leafy green vegetables at each meal and baking sweet potatoes (yams) and cutting them up, sprinkling cinnamon on them and putting them in the fridge. (When you do this, they taste like candy when they are cold.)


To be honest, this totally worked for me. I found I didn't crave the sugar in my alcoholic drinks. I pretty much stopped drinking immediately throughout the work week. On weekends, I was much more cognizant of what I was drinking and made sure I kept a limit.


I highly recommend a two step process of changing your food intake and changing your behavior.

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I am not saying that you are an alcoholic, because I don't know you and your past history. Does there sound like there may be a problem? Yes. One that could spin very much out of control if it isn't taken care of immediately. You may need some outside help, but you can control a good bit of this on your own. Kind of a mind over matter thing. Think of the other things you could do instead of going out and drinking. You might try re-thinking your friends as they may be the ones who lead you out to drink. You may try finding another friend base that likes healthier hobbies. Also, like was said above, if you do goto the bar, don't take as much cash. Think about all the other things you could spend your money. Too, the poster above me makes a good point. I know someone that was an alcoholic and he craved sweet things when he wasn't drinking. Changing your diet as well as changing your drinking habit could be a positive and effective change in your life. Good luck!

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