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Is she playing a game with my emotions?

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After 3 months of dating, our relationship has fallen off and we haven't seen each other for 2 weeks. We talked on the phone, everyday, up until a few days ago when I hung up on her because she said something hurtful.


She said she loves and swore before I came along that she would never use those words again - "then you came along and changed all that" she said. Now, we don't even talk. I called her home and her cell phone 3 times yesterday and got her voice mail. She didn't return my calls. I know she's probably pissed off because I hung up on her but I apologized for that. I'm told I'm analyzing too much about the relationship. We used to work together and had a great time, now we rarely see each other.


Before she came into my life I wasn't looking for anyone. She asked me out first and made the first moves. I dropped my guard and realized "this is for real". Now I'm thinking I was "played" by her and don't know what to do. I'm sick over this woman - physically and mentally. I don't know why she won't talk to me. She's gone from being in love with me to not even talking to me!


Help, please. I'm losing it.

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I have to say if you only rang her yesterday then maybe she just needs a few days to cool down and think about what she wants.


From what you say it sound like maybe you were too intense for her and that does scare some people away, maybe you should try taking it one day at a time and relax a little moer.


I am sure she is cross that you put the phone down on her, I doubt it solved anything but i am also sure that she will come round soon and speak to you again, its not exactly a criminal offence to put the phone down on someone!!


Best of luck x

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