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Sperms not able to enter


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Whenever we have made love, my husband's sperms are not able to enter egg. It all leaks out as soon as I stand up or squeez the vagina.


We are trying to conceive now and scared there might be a problem with me.


Please help if anyone has experienced anything of the sort.

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um, you do know how sperm works right?

Besides telling you that it doesn't all leak out, the sperm are microscopic tiny and they are climbing towards your cervix as soon as your guy comes.

You can't even douche them out thats how tough they are. So you are just seeing the leftovers when you stand up. Anyway they have to make it through the mucos in your cervix to get to the egg, depending on your ovulation cycles this varies in difficulty for the little sperm because the film over your cervix changes in consistancy.

The acids in your vagina can be too strong for semen and destroy them, but this case is rare.

But yes, if your guy is coming in you then you are on the path to pregnancy regardless of what drips out afterwards.

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I remember learning the journey that actually has to happen before conception occurs and I was amazed that anyone got pregnant.


You are seeing semen leak out but that does not mean that no sperm are traveling up into your vagina. The setting has to be JUST RIGHT in order for conception to take place (cervical mucus just right, passage to the egg unblocked, etc).


How long have you been trying to conceive and how old are you?

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  • 2 weeks later...

if you're trying to conceive but worried the sperm is 'dripping out' then you could try lying for a couple of minutes after sex, with your legs/hips higher than the rest of your body. sort of defy gravity! lol but seriously if you are worried i would go see your doctor. they might be able to put your miind at ease and also give you some good advice

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