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My ex girlfriend rang me up claiming that she still loved me (sounding drunk I should add), she said that things with her and another guy weren't going well because he lied to her so she said they weren't going to get together. She said it made her realise how much she loved me.


She then said that she herself wasn't sure about us becasue we have a long history of ups and downs, she then asked why I wasn't mad about her cheating (I said I was, I can forgive her for it though if she realised what she did and would understand), she then said that was proof why I didn't love her because "any one else would tell her to * * * * off" which was confusing.


She then said she had to go because she was going out with her friends and because she was crying, it would ruin her make up.


VERY CONFUSED about this, especially the bit about me supposing to be mad.

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Hi Mr. Sibley,


Yeah, pretty confusing alright.


"Proof" because you didn't tell her off, I don't know how you could answer such a "no-win" question.


It sounds like head-games to me, I guess I would look at her past actions etc. to try and get a better idea. ie: would she throw irrational stuff like this at you in the relationship?


Personally I would keep NC unless she changed her correspondence drastically.



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