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I asked this gurl to the my senior polls, i been liking her since i met her during the summer at first she told me she was feeling something for me but then something happen in between n we just stop talking for a while...im a senior at my high school n she is a freshman...i heard from a friend that we both got in common that she wanted to go to the polls with me but im not sure bout this, so i asked her n she said that she wants to go with me...a couple of weeks after that i found out that her best friend that goes to another school is also going now im thinking that she is just using me to go to the polls n chill with her friend, oh and she also has a man so im like really confused...i dont know why i really like this gurl since there are a few gurls in school that like me n they r pretty cute but there is something about this girl that cought my eye but i dont know exacly what was it........................please one of ya give me some advise on this.........

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She probably is using you. I don't know what this polls thing is, but im guessing its like a prom or something?

Now im not an expert, but i guess, it wont hurt to try moving on from her, and start thinking about the other girls - sure it might be hard, but well, if you think of her negative things, and their positive things, you might like one of them more than her... I guess

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In my opinion, The only way you can really know whats going on inside her head is by actually talking to her. Just say "hey, can I talk to you?" and then explain how you feel, say to her exactly what you said to me say "Theres someting about you that I really like and I just wanted to know how you felt about me, I know you have another guy, but I need to know how you feel. If you don't feel the same way then fine, i'll move on, theres others girls that are cute - not as cute as you though! Sorry, I just wanted to be honest" Atleast then you will get an answer, it may not be what you want to hear, but atleast it will stop you worrying. And if she decides that she isn't into you, then don't take her to this polls thing! Her loss!

Anyway, i don't know if that helps but im a girl, and thats what i would expect a guy to do if i was in that position!

If you want more help, feel free to email me at jade_671@yahoo.co.uk

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