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Why cant I talk to her, its falling apart!

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Hi Guys,


Been seeing a girl for a few months, on and off, but I've been wanting to make it something a bit more stable, I dont think we are boyfriend/girlfriend yet, but then when do you know! We have kissed a lot but recently she has felt more distant.


The last time I saw her she said that I never say anything, now im a bit of a ask questions and listen kinda guy rather than talking about things myself, i never really know what to talk about myself.


I see my friends with thier girls and they chat and talk on the phone everyday and they seem to be really relaxed about it all, I just think about it all to much and wonder if I should/shouldnt call, and if I do what do I talk about, its driving me nuts, I dont feel like im being relaxed or myself, im just analysing everything before it happens.


How can I stop thinking/worrying about calling her and what im going to say and just relax and call her and chat about stuff naturally, I feel like a robot instead of a human being!


Any advice appreciated!

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Dude I am in the same position as you. I have a hard time talking to someone that I am not totally comfortable with. I suggest from one shy guy to another is to talk to her about it. You actually might break out of your shell if you talk to her about it. I did this also with the woman I am seeing and I explained that it was not her it is me. I also told her to let me know if she thinks that I am acting uptight. She then told me that she is also in the same boat but, she is able to go with the flow. I have not yet hit that point and I explained that to her. I was kinda of surprised that she was very cool about it. I hope that maybe you too would be able to explain yourself and let her know that you are still getting to know her and all and that she should be a little patient with you.


I hope this helps.



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