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Doctor Smurf

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I suppose this is fueled as much as anything by desperation as anything else. I'm seventeen, I first had sex eleven months ago with my girlfriend, who I'm still with today. Not once have I managed to stay hard for more than about two minutes, and certainly neither of us have ever orgasmed.


As soon as any clothes are taken off, its gone never to return.


I saw my doctor about it last March, and got sent away with "Don't worry about it, its only anxiety". I think thats both true, and easier to say than to solve. My lady and I have tried all kinds of things, setting the atmosphere and everything, without any success. I was speaking to my female confident today and she suggested why not try some form of drug for it?


I know there are risks associated with it, but I do feel that perhaps using something once or twice could be the psychological crutch I need to "go it alone" as it where. I know Viagra is only available on prescription, and I think the chances of my getting a prescription for it is very slight.


So what are the risks, what are the alternatives, and what is available?

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Hi There,


These are really questions you need to talk to your own doctor about. They know your personal history and have the credentials to give you the information you are looking for.


If you are not happy with the advice you got from your doctor before, ask for a referral to a urologist.

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Hope is right. You need to talk to your GP about this, despite any embarrassment you may feel. And despite the fact that they have previously put this down to anxiety. Just telling you it's anxiety will not fix the problem.


I am also dubious as to whether one or two uses of viagra would enable to go it alone. More likely you would form a psychological dependence on the drug being needed for you to gain an erection, and could well exacerbate your problems.


I think that the psychological/counselling route may well be the way forward, where the root causes of your anxiety are explored and dealt with professionally. But step 1 should be with your GP, and you need to be persistent. This is affecting your happiness, so don't get fobbed off.

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I would definitely first get a referral and follow up with doctors to help with this.


But you are somewhat wrong about viagra. It is legal to possess in the form of a research chemical. There are many companies who sell it directly to the public. Their reputation comes from feedback and years of service from forums like this. So in essense, if you do your research, you can get a high quality product.


I have used both viagra and cialis and both helped me overcome the anxiety factor to my lack of erectile strength. There are risks that need to be considered with their use. They acted as confidence builders which was a huge psychological boost for me. However, if you research it the side effects of temporary use are actually not that severe. Most people will tend to get a headache, blue vision from viagra and congestion. They also lower blood pressure. Old men take this stuff and they aren't exactly in the best of health.


I always say if someone is going to use viagra, just take about


With ED it is rarely the case that it is all physical or all psychological. You really need to address both issues and see what is up. The first time you see a good doctor, they may say it is anxiety. If you come to them again, they shouldn't push it off on that and should conduct the right tests and refer you to the right specialist to deal with this.

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My issue with this is the OP is only 17. OMG I was a walking errection for most of my teens and twenties. I would be more concerned about having problems with keeping it up at this age than anything else.


As for a suggestion to overcome your anxiety is to try doing it with the lights out.

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A more natural alternative would be using a cockring. You can get silicon (rubber) {Mod Edit} rings that are rather tight. You get an erection and put it on around the base of your penis. It holds all the blood in and gives you a rock hard, veins-bulging hardon. It also gorges your penis making it bigger than normal.


I've heard that male strippers will use them so they can maintain hard ons when they've got a hundred screaming women in front of them. So if it works for that kind of environment, then I'm guessing it will work for your audience of one.

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Well thank you very much each and everyone.


I was a walking errection for most of my teens and twenties


That is exactly whats bothering me, I know I should be able to do this, especially at my age. It's so easy to get bitter, knowing the the "normal" man could just do it, and I'm unable to. Really gets me down.


It seems like the way to go is to see my doctor again.


Apart from the ideas of getting counseling or considering medication, is there anything else I should raise or bear in mind - other than being persistent?


My reservation - easily overcome as it is - is that if I / we did have counseling is I would have to tell my parents, seeing as they need to know where I am. That would be a difficult conversation.


Thank you all once again!

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have you tried non medical means like a penis ring? they restrict blood flow going out of your penis while allowing it to come in. This might help you while not requiring drugs. also, once you get in the motions the good feeling might take the dominant role in your mind, overtaking the psychological fear of not being able to keep it up.


Also do you smoke, are you in good health? I used to smoke, and sit around a lot, and it would cause me to not be able to keep it up in a condom (which is a HUGE problem when you're single). I quit smoking and worked myself up to running five miles a day. now sometimes I can't get it to go down. (only got to test it out one weekend though, as my girlfriend and I don't have sex)

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hehe sorry Eire1, you wrote your post at the same time I was doing my reply.


I like the idea of a penis-ring, I think perhaps if I used it whilst we where still clothed it might work. I've seen the effects by using my fingers in the past, but that has obvious problems!


Has anyone here used one?



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