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my gf broke it off before new years eve,in the week following she gave me good vibes,and if i wopuld have acted on them things might be different,about mid january,i called her and asked if she had met anyone,she said yes,but they only talked once,i didnt believe her,so when i found that i thought it was true i had some choice words for her.she then said that not only did they talk once,but she had sex with him,at he was better then me.she says hes not her boyfriend and they only did it one time.so i e mailed her and brought him up,and she responded saying,dont ever bring that guy up again f uck him,im not seeing or speaking to him anymore.she also says that its completely over between us.so i called her that nite and we were having a good conversation when she gets a call and puts me on hold,she comes back on to say that its him,and shes going to his house to pick up some of her things???/and then she stays all nite but no sex?she still maintains its over between us and with him,and now shes coming to my house today because its my dads birthday...wtf is going on???

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She obviously thinks you are that kind of guy who will put up with her spoiled childish behavior! Teach her a lesson! Don't let her come to your dad's party, that will be pretty awkward--won't it?


Any one who would say that he's a better (blank!) than you deserves to be on her own! Don't put up with this type of behavior! It will lower your standards too much! Go for someone who isn't so high maintanence!


You can find cute without the (blank!) can't you?

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shes being nasty to her?wtf does that mean?shes the one that calls me as doesnt say anything when i answer the phone all of the time.she tells me its totally over between us,yet she said the other nite that we could go out(fri)and then decided not to.she also pulled up in front of my house yesterday and then called me to tell me she was outside,when i went outside she drove away.she tells me to give her a chance to miss her,wtf?and that shes not in love with this guy and hes not her boyfriend..she tells me one day that the guys a moron,and she never wants to talk to him again,and then she goes to house the next day,what the f uck is this bitch doing,do you think she is in love or whatever with this guy,and when i completely stop feeding into this and i dont talk to her at all then what will she do????

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