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Definition of "seeing someone"


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My friends in UK told me that people here only see one person at a time. This is confusing, because in the USA the stage of "dating someone" is nonexclusive and you can go on dates with many people (you could sleep around too), until you have a "talk" to be exclusive. However, this is not the case here. If you are seeing someone, you are expected not to see anybody else. However, "seeing someone" is not as serious as "going out with someone" so that you two are not boyfriend/girlfriend yet at this stage.


I don't understand this. Why am I expected to be exclusive when I don't have a boyfriend??


Any thoughts?

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Seeing someone and dating someone are pretty much mutually exclusive here, and it's generally accepted that you do it with one person at a time.


Having a date with someone isn't the same as dating someone, and you can have dates with several people at the same time as it's not as committed as dating someone.


Semantics really.

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i think this is a conversation you need to have when you start dating because everyone's expectations are different. not everyone in the U.S. likes to date multiple people at once. it's really an individual preference, and like anything else something that can be discussed. doesn't have to happen on the first date, but if it looks like one or the other wants to be exclusive.

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