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How do you meet girls?


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Really, I hate admitting it because I was usually one of the people that looked down on parties. I don't really drink, never do drugs, hate dancing, so I rarely do party but if I was single again (I assume your in college btw) I'd hit up the party scene. Honestly whenever I go, even when I don't go out of my way to talk to anybody that I don't know I inevitably end up talking to at least two girls I've never met before. So parties are good for that, and no they don't necessarily have to be wild parties or anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, theirs all types of parties, you'll probably find that parties that are less raucous and more along the lines of people just talking and socializing are better for meeting people.


I've heard bookstores are a good place to meet girls, never tried it out myself but it actually makes alot of sense. If a guys in a bookstore the girl probably thinks he must at least be slightly intelligent for being their and so may be more inviting and have a better opinion of you right from the start.


One of the best ways to meet girls is through friends of friends. Since you have a friend in common your bound to have other things in common (just make sure that you're not asking out a friend that your buddy really likes of course). Another way is any sort of extra-curricular activity or club that you can join. And lastly, the internet if all else fails.

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How do people get a constant stream of dates? Through friends? Classes? I probably meet a new girl every 4months...


How do they get a constant stream? Simple. They see a girl they find cute or attractive and then they walk up, open a conversation, flirt, tease, have fun, build chemistry and comfort, and they they get to the point and close with asking for a phone number and/or a date.


I am going to guess that you don't do this... or you don't find anyone attractive. Because in 4 month intervals... I find it hard to believe that you only run into one girl, so realistically that tells me that you're going way to slow when you see an attractive girl. You're probably not walking up and opening a teasing/flirty conversation, you're probably either not approaching, hoping she will approach you, or you're approaching under the disguise of just 'friends'.


The guys with the constant stream of dates aren't wasting any of their time. They're just going for it.

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Really, I hate admitting it because I was usually one of the people that looked down on parties. I don't really drink, never do drugs, hate dancing, so I rarely do party but if I was single again (I assume your in college btw) I'd hit up the party scene.


Wow, so in the age where people are putting two things as their highest priority, Schooling and Partying, you're only doing the boring part. Now that's good, School comes first, but how are you supposed to relate or build chemistry with a girl? What are you doing that shows you are fun, exciting, adventurous, etc? Based upon what you said you seem a bit boring.


I'm not telling you to do drugs, I don't do them either, but not having even a drink or going to parties? Where is your fun social interaction? What makes you appear like you'll be a fun guy to be with?

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