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'I love you like'


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I love you like the waves gently splashing on the sand, peacefully revealing the sound.

I love you like the mist covering the mountains, with the sky in the background painted a deep sea blue.

I love you like a rose revealing it's beauty, the aroma awakening senses within the nose.

I love you like a sun shining brightly down onto the ocean, the reflection blurred from the waves.

I love you like a leaf dropping from it's tree, flying from the whistling wind blowing softly.

I love you like the roots in the ground creating a magnificant flower, slowly transforming into petals of beauty.

I love you like the snow falling onto the ground, glistening from the suns warmth.

I love you like a rainbow showing within the distance after showers of ray.

I love you like the fire burning on a cold winters night, glowing the room with heat.

I love you like dolphins jumping out of the sea, releasing their soothing sound.




(I couldn't post it in the Poetry part, please may a MOD move it to that place if they don't mind? I really would like feedback on this poem)

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I thought this was going to be a game, and I was going to add:

I love you like a fat kid loves cake.


BUT, then I read your poem, and it's really pretty!

My favorite line is probably the one about fire, and how it 'glows the room with heat.' That's a really good description.

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