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War of Anger and hate, need help. cant do this anymore :(


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Terk2121's post is about him and his former girlfriend. His post has no relevance to your relationship to you ex. I don't see how you can draw the conclusion that your ex loved you and will come back to you from someone else's life. I do think you need to accept you ex for his word. He said that you would be wasting your time if you are interested in a romantic relationship, and and he is dating others. I do think you need to listen and hear his words instead of assuming that you know how he feels.


No matter how deeply you love your ex, that does not change the fact that he has clearly told you that he is no longer interested. Painful, but it's best to stay grounded in reality.


Okay - if you actually read my post it points out Terk2121's realizations. Lots of people realize what they have once it's gone or for whatever reason down the road people are sometimes brought together under the strangest of circumstances. I just said I like that - its the type of realization that gives people hope...


AND if you had read my post I was actually poking fun at myself. Someone referring to me as always having hope when it probably borders dellusional.


I know what my short comings are. I know what I need to work on.


I'm healing just like everyone else here and trying to find the way that works best for me. Sure we all make mistakes along the way. That is why we are here so our friends can help pick us up and dust us off and help us move forward.


Pardon me but you sound very bitter.


I hope you are mending yourself as well.

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I am I try my best not to months and months of my life on men who clearly are not interested in me. Thank you for your good wishes.


I remember reading your initial posting. My heart definitely went out to you. You uprooted your life to be with someone who didn't turn out to be who you thought they were. That is very painful. Now I'm sure doubly painful as being new in town you don't have many new acquaintences.


I'm really sorry for that. I've dated my share of men who I felt didn't follow through on what they promised. This last guy though... it just seemed like fate stepped in. It just seemed that all the right doors opened up and this was finally why I went through everything else in my life up till now was for this moment/for this person. Do I still have hope? I do. Is it wrong? I don't know. Keep in mind he pushed me away once before and came back when things were a little less intense, confessed he still loved me and that he has put up a lot of walls. That night he admits the walls came down but then only briefly. I'm not pinning all my hopes on this guy. I'm dating and have an active life. Do I still miss him - yes. But, he doesn't occupy my every thought.


None of us knows what the future brings.


take care!

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Just hope that having hope doesnt set us up for more hurt and heartbreak and not truly healing.

So much uncertainty.


It can happen. But not having hope or not taking a chance, or not putting all of yourself into something isn't really living, right?


Its taken me a long time to realize that one sentence.

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Water...That is so true and even though I realize it at the same time now I am afraid. Afraid to have more rejection, disappointment. I have never been able to do things half way. If I love someone I go all out, If i'm going to have hope I want to have lots of it.

I always believed in taking chances and now something in me is apprehensive and scared.

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Just hope that having hope doesnt set us up for more hurt and heartbreak and not truly healing.

So much uncertainty.



I think as you give it time and space... yes you have hope but you also realize that having hope means having a life and seeing that the sun comes up tomorrow and that maybe this night will be the best sunset you've ever seen so you don't want to miss it.


I think you can have hope AND move on with your life.

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I guess I've been the exact opposite the past several years. Hesitant, protective, etc.


Trust me, its better to go all out than have to look back and ask "what if?" or see missed opportunities.


I understand you're apprehensive and scared. You need to face these feelings, and you will at your own pace. Just keep reminding yourself that they can keep you from doing things. They can hold you back. But only if you let them.

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Been there!....well, I guess I'm still there...


Its been really amazing how much I have "figured out" in such a short period of time. Like its the 1st time I've got my eyes open and am really looking at myself objectively. Its funny that this process did not happen like this after a previous relationship of mine ended.


Just tell yourself what I tell myself: Be the person I imagined I would be at this time in my life.

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