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I don't know much about depression, do you think I am depressed?

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Hello as my title says I'm not too hot on the whole depression subject. All I know is depression is apparently over diagnosed and don't want to be one of the people who says hey I'm so depressed but really just wants attention. Maybe its attention I do crave who knows.


But pretty much the past few weeks I have felt at an all time low. I just feel like there is nothing better that could happen to me than die. Every time I come to think about anything it is me wishing I was to die. This is completely irrational as the problems in my life, people would consider small and ordinary and many many people have experienced and are experiencing worse than me. So pretty much I feel selfish to even post this, took me 2 days to get the courage to even write this post.


Anyhow I feel I want to cry randomly alot of the time. And generally feel really bad. I don't tell anyone bout my problems as I get embarrassed, thats why I come here.


Sorry the end was rushed friend waiting at door for me lol.



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My doctor put me on anti depressants just yesterday. The "red flag" for him was when he asked me what I like to do for fun and what makes me happy, and I honestly couldn't tell him. He said that is a clear sign of depression, when your outlook on everything is just really negative. I would consult your Doctor...depression can be very serious, and it's better to catch it when it starts.

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Depression is hard to diagnose. I don't however know enough about depression, to be able to tell you, if being really down for a couple of weeks qualifies as depression. It probably also depends on what led you too this condition (any triggers, how has your mood been before, etc.). If I understand you correctly, you are feeling bad in general?


Thoughts of suicide should however always be taken seriously. If you start to think about how and when to kill yourself, you should seek help right away.


Even if you don't have any acute plans to take your life, I think you should seek help. And there is nothing wrong about being diagnosed as depressed. Asking for help is also often an important valve for the emotional pressure.


You deserve to feel better.

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Hi, the feelings you're describing sound serious to me, and although i don't know for sure if i would say you're depressed, it could be possible. Feeling low for long periods of time, and thinking about horrible things happening, or death - i think that's something serious, and i don't believe you would be feeling this way simply for attention. Don't be embarrassed about the way you feel. As someone else posted: depression is not over-diagnosed. It really is very common, but everyone experiences it in a different way - and there are many levels, and causes for it. Contrary to what some ppl think: depression doesn't necessarily happen because of the "size" of your problems. It can happen for many many reasons; some people experience it very suddenly even when there are no obvious triggers or events. There are so many factors that go into depression, it doesn't mean you're being selfish at all !

I suggest you talk to someone about this, to see what might be behind it. Good luck.

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Well I have felt not too great for over a year now maybe longer just its got worse. As MarkD said if you ask me what I do for fun, I could not tell you I might say pool but thats not really fun just brings be back to normal if you get what I mean.


I just find life so un-stimulating and my relationship with my girlfriend is on the decline (I believe thats the trigger for it getting worse) I just feel like a heap of poo. I have not thought of ways to kill myself but will happily put myself into everyday situations that could prove deadly.


When I feel really low I really want something to make me feel ... well not so low and first thing that always comes to mind is cutting. I don't do it, but it always seems so appealing. Reason I don't do it is cos I keep thinking ultimately it will make things worse. People will talk behind my back, I will be scared for life, everyone will say I'm an attention seaker bla bla bla.


Hopefully though this will start lifting in a couple of weeks and I will be back to my normal bored uneventful self. To do this I either need to sort things with girlfriend 100% or I don't know cos breaking up would make things worse. As I am feeling worse cos I am scared I am loosing her so actually loosing her would destroy my world.


Anyway if you bothered to read all that thanks.


Oh and going to the doctors I don't know how I would go about that, I would be too embarrassed.



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Guess I will have to wont I, it's just like the opposite to what I am like. I don't like to be trouble for anyone, don't like to look stupid well I do but not in the way where people think what a looser.


And putting the relationship problems how you have, it seems it could be more 50/50 the problems not 99% her.


Can anyone list the symptoms of depression and I can see how many I fit. I can think of little worse that going to the Doctor and them saying there is nothing wrong, stop being stupid.

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I know what you mean they get paid etc, but Doctors are crowded and there could be someone more deserving of his time than me. In the end my problem is only mental not physical where someone might die.


Oh as for the cutting tried it once and it did work, but I told myself never again. Other forms of physical pain do help and don't mark, takes my mind off things. I try not to do that either though.


Ok google time, and I will go to the Doctors (I tell myself that anyway, if I actually do it is another matter).


On a different note my older sister has been diagnosed with depression so has my father and I think my little sister. It seems I may be prone to it.

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I know what you mean they get paid etc, but Doctors are crowded and there could be someone more deserving of his time than me. In the end my problem is only mental not physical where someone might die.


Its not like I don't encourage people to consider if they really need to go to a doctor or not. Sometimes people go to the doctor because of minor bruises or aches meaning nothing.


But this is clearly not the case here. Firstly, depression has a major negative impact on life quality. Secondly, untreated depression can develop into something much worse, such as suicide attempts.


Mental health problems are just as important as many physical diseases (and since some of your family members has been hit by depression, you might have a genetic disposition, so there could be a physical compontent to your problems). Anyway, I cannot say it clearly enough: You need to go see a doctor.


Take care of yourself!

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Ok I will try and get an appointment, problem is I only have Sunday free from my two jobs and university and Doctors are not open then.


I know this may sound stupid but how do I get a Doctors appointment? Thing is my dad always made them for me, and as I don't like to bother people I have never made one of my own and not seen a Doctor in like 2 or 3 years.


I live in England if different rules apply between here and America!



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Mental issues are just as important and distressing as physical ones. Don't tell yourself that you shouldn't go to see someone because someone else's case seems more serious. Mental health is just as important. Always remember this: the brain, just like any other part of the body can become ill. Mental issues don't seem as concrete or easy to spot as a broken leg, but they're still extremely serious, and can be potentially dangerous depending on the situation. It's possible for certain things to pass with time, but some things are too serious and need more attention and work. I hope that you do talk to someone, i know it's hard, but you can keep it very private, and you don't have to tell others around you if you don't want to. Take care.

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Well I do have a Doctor who has 3 surgeries so need to pick right one on right day.


I do not have insurance cover, in England we have the NHS so its meant to be free. I know everything is absolutely 100% free before 18 and while your still in full time education. I am not sure what of the case after you turn 18, whats free whats not and how much everything costs. I say free but it isn't really its paid through by taxes.



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Good luck going to the doctor, I hope you work it out.


Don’t feel guilty about being depressed, nobody wants to be depressed so you are not feeling it out of meanness. Even if your problems may seem insignificant to an outsider one should never feel guilty about feeling low. There will always be people who have it worse, saying that the reasons for sadness aren’t valid enough is like telling a newly widow that it’s wrong of her being sad as there are people who have it worse, people who have lost their whole family etc. By that argument one would never have the right to laugh or be happy either as there will always be people having it better

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