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Groundhog Day

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I feel like I am Bill Murray and my life is now the movie Groundhog Day. Each day is a repeat of the day before. No matter what I do I still feel the same. I excersice, read alot, started working on the house. I even got a pet to keep me company. All of these things just seem hollow. When does it end? I keep longing for some sign of improvement. Its been over 3 months since the breakup and over 5 weeks of N/C.




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I know how you feel but I also know that you will get better. 5 weeks of NC really isn't that long. I am not sure how long you were together but it will take time to establish yourself as a separate entity again without thinking about her. While it may seem like everyday is a repeat, I am sure some of the emotional trauma has subsided, its just part of the natural grieveing process.

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Hey so how about making some changes, get involved with groups, get out to different places. You could look online like on link removed to see what groups are local to you and see what takes your fancy.


You could take an evening class, dance classes - make some new male friends perhaps online and arrange to go out for a beer or game of golf (or whatever but you get my meaning).


We just have to push ourselves, although I understand it is tough as going through healing from a break up myself, mine has been about 4months also.

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