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Over Distance?


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I am trying to get together with a Gr9 girl. I'm in Gr10. She's really cute (absolutely adorable in fact), looks stunning in green, has so many friends she is quite literally never alone, and amazingly, likes the sames things I do, and is on friendly terms with me (the acne-stricken loner


It goes quite well... slowly, mind you, but well. Her friends are beginning to accept me, and we're talking to each other somewhere in between a bit and somewhat often.


I found we like a lot of the same things: reading, creative writing, tech, and other stuff. She even has family that live in the same city where I used to live until about a year ago.


But... I just found out she's moving about two hours into the country in about a year after talking with her, I feel we could definitely be together for a very long time, but can a relationship possibly work over such a distance?


I mean, we've all heard those sappy stories about true love overcoming all odds and all that, but this is just a high school dating situation, and while I'm positive that it could eventually grow into that... I'm not really thinking that far ahead. Hell, I still need to go on a single date with the girl.


So my question is this: could a relationship work over that distance? Yes or no. No matter how unlikely, COULD it work? Because I'm already absolutely in thrall to her, and would work my hardest and more to make it work, if it could.

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I know it would be really difficult... but one thing people have noted about me is my remarkable stubborness in choosing a path and staying on it, even though easier paths open up all the time.


Stupid? Probably.


Determined? Absolutely.


Well you both like writing go the old fashioned way, do some writing. There is phones, cell phones. void phones, e-mail, web cams, amateur radio, sow communication is not that hard. And if you think she is the one for you I can only hope you make it as one of those special cases.

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Is it possible? Sure, it's possible, anything's possible. But it's less probable when neither of you have transportation and, most importantly, when you're both so young (I assume you both have college, possibly grad school, and jobs in your future where you will meet tons of other people as your personality changes and grows.) You barely know this girl, so why get yourself in a mindset where you're having all of these expectations about her and where a "relationship" could lead? Just keep things casual, get to know her (go out for movies or coffee) and enjoy your time spent with her. She likely won't be the last girl you meet who piques your interest and is much more geographically desirable.

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