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EX Girlfriends Sister Contacted Me

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Ok I have kept NC with my EX for over a week now and out of the blue her sister texts me asking me where her sister is. You would think that two sisters who talk to eachother every day would know whats going on in eachothers lives but apparently she had to call me full well knowing that I havent talked to her sister in a week. Is this some sort of a scam to try and get me excited or something or was she beeing serious or am I just going crazy and trying to find some hidden meaning out of this? Thanks

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I don't think anyone here can answer that question for you. But I can say you may be looking too deeply into it. Ask her sister what's up, but try to keep it brief. Only she knows what's going on, and any speculation on our part is just that... speculation.

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I think siblings of ex's contact their sister or brother's ex's not out of trying to get them to break NC but from sheer innocence not realizing that it is not a good idea. IF you were friendly with them, they don't always realize that during that break up first days and weeks, etc it is best not to contact you to not encourage breaking the NC deal. I don't think there was a hidden meaning in this at all.

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I believe there is because shes using her sister as a way to get around the no contact to see whats up with him.


I disagree. Seems like an innocent phonecall and this happens all the time when people break up. The siblings don't realize it is a bad move in many cases.



But neither of us really know for sure. All we can really say is try not to look for a hidden meaning and just move on.


To the OP, if you had a friendly relationship wtih the sister ignoring her might not be very nice. Keep it civil unless you didn't like her all that much and would rather not say anything at all. Your comment of "don't know don't care" was just fine I think....it sent the message that she shouldn't ask you that question in the future.

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I believe there is because shes using her sister as a way to get around the no contact to see whats up with him.


The ex told her sister to talk to him, its obvious.


No. It's not. My sister has contacted my ex numerous time behind my back, that I only find out about a few weeks down the track (when she lets it slip, or just throws it into casual conversation). I have asked her and asked her to stop it, and to cease contact with him, but she never does. You can't just assume this girl has asked her sister to text him - she may very well be in the same position I have been in so many times before.

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