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why does it hurt so much?


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why does it hurt so much to let someone go?


how can someone still call you babe and say they still love you but still go out and date people?


how does someone not look at the bigger picture or the relationship and not try to fix it when they've said they want things to work out?


why do i still hold on when i know i can't expect him to change?


why do i still hold on when he's been so verbally abusive to me after our break up?




it's been 4 months and everytime we get into a fight (even when we're not together as a couple) it brings me down so much as though it's the first day of breaking up. it's beginning to really tear me down and i'm starting to see the character he has as a person, yet i still hold on to the good times and the good things about him. WHY do i put myself through this?

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lip service is all that is. in situations like all of us here are in actions are all that count. he can say whatever he wants. all that matters in life is how you trreat and what you do to the people you love. if he loved you and meant what you want the pet name to mean he would not be dating other people. thats the bottom line.

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I agree. As I have learned the hard way in many situations that ACTIONS are what really count. Words can be used to manipulate, especially the word love. How many people say they love one another, then go out and cheat or are abusive etc.

It's about how a person treats you.

It hurts you so much because you love him and want him to feel and treat you the same way. My heart goes out to you as I can feel your pain.

This is not a healthy situation for you, he's playing very mean head games with you. It's sad that he's taking advantage of your love. To me that is mental cruelty.

Please think about this. You deserve better and the only way you will be able to see this or get better is if you step away from him and this vicious cycle you're in.

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I agree. As I have learned the hard way in many situations that ACTIONS are what really count. Words can be used to manipulate, especially the word love. How many people say they love one another, then go out and cheat or are abusive etc.

It's about how a person treats you.

It hurts you so much because you love him and want him to feel and treat you the same way. My heart goes out to you as I can feel your pain.

This is not a healthy situation for you, he's playing very mean head games with you. It's sad that he's taking advantage of your love. To me that is mental cruelty.

Please think about this. You deserve better and the only way you will be able to see this or get better is if you step away from him and this vicious cycle you're in.


I need to take this advice for myself... now if i could only follow through with nc..

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