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What Do U Think I Should Do..

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Ok Here Goes.. Im 16, my BF is 21 and we've been dating for 4 months now, But Have Been friends for a Few Years Now and Things Are Going Good. Well We Were Talking Last Night and He Brought Up That He Was Thinking About Moving,and Asked If I Would Move With Him!? Well We have Talked About This A Few Times Before About Me Moving in With Him and All That and I Would Really Like Too, But I Mean, What Do U Guys Think About My Situation, What Should I Do?


Thanks ~ Angel ~

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Hmm, well...I'm in the situation that your bf is in and my girlfriend is a year older than you are. There are some legal issues that come with having someone over 18 living with an underaged person. (legal guardianship, paren't persmission, etc). If anything were to go wrong if both of you are living together, then ur bf could get into a lot of trouble. Decide what you two think is right. Just be careful. I too have to be careful when making this decision also.



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Well look. I don't think that your parents would let you move in with your 21 year old boyfriend. Another thing is your 16 which means that you are what people call a minor. Until you turn 18 your parents decide on what you get to do or not so just chill with this idea and really think about it.

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Don't move.


Keep your focus. What do you want to be when you grow up? If you don't know that answer, then why make life decisions? If you are not mature enough (and right now, you are not expected to be) to know exactly what you want, then DON'T make life decisions.


You see, you need to know what you want before you decide on how to get there. Don't change things for the sake of it, change things according to your master plan for life. The world is yours, don't sell yourself short.


You can't just "go with the flow" because you will be 30 someday. What do you want to be doing when you are 30? Is moving with a 21 year old going to get you there? I doubt it. Take charge of your life.

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Thanks for the replies, Im seriously Re-Thinking It.. After Reading Ur Guys Replies I Sat Down With My BF and Talked, and I realized That I personally Dont Think Im Ready To Be Put Into That Type Of Situation, We Agreed To Atleast Wait A Few To See What Things Really Lead Up To.. Thanks Once Again For The Help Everyone.


~ Angel ~

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