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Running from my passion...


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Well here it goes:


I've always yearned to go to college but do to my financial circumstances, it's really prevented me from leaving my career.


While my job is good, pays well, would offer to pay for my tuition at the local night school, I really feel like this isn't a viable option for me.


I like to keep my focus on one thing at a time either my career or college.


I'm seriously contemplating trying to get into a law enforcement program at a college that is known for it's graduation success rate of being able to get graduates jobs.


This would mean, leaving my job behind, and taking out college loans, getting in debt.


It would definitely be a challenge, but I just feel like time is slipping away the longer I wait. I really need this experience to feel happy I believe.


What would you do? Career? College? Ah... I'm in a state of confusion.

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I like to keep my focus on one thing at a time either my career or college.


I work 50 hours a week, and go to law school (11 hours a week) at night.


The funny thing is ... after a few months, the burden just fit into my lifestyle. Last summer, with no school, I felt almost like I had too much free time!


I'm just saying this because you might want to reconsider the either-or choice.



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Borashi, are you sure you don't want to take advantage of your employer's tuition reimbursement program?


I'm a firm believer in always, always following your passions. And if you use your time wisely, you'll be able to accomplish everything you desire.


Consider this - where would you like to be in two or three years?

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