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Im not getting what it is.....

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All this anger and depression and yet unable to let it vent to someone because i cant trust anyone anymore. It seems to be the issuse when im trying to deal with most of the problems that i have in my life currently. I only find myself able to talk is when i write my thoughts down or a poem explaining my feelings. But is that enough? Im not sure what it is that makes it difficult. The words are draining from the pen and i dont know what im to do about all of this. it seems im getting more anti-social and unable to talk to anyone. But this is what i have been dealing with for the past 7 months. All these questions that run though my mind and i dont find any anwsers to them. i dont know what to do from here, but ill continue to keep my mind in an active state to find those anwsers to those questions that i need to know.

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Well you've come to the right place, why not write down your questions for us to help with? What seems to be the problem?


I piece I have for your is to calm your mind. You say that you will try to keep an active mind to solve your problems and answer your questions. However, you will find that real answers come to a still mind. Have you ever thought about meditation?


Dwelling on a problem will limit your answers because you see only one side of the problem and you cannot see any viable solution. Try to put yourself in your parent's shoes, or the shoes of your pet. Really, it sounds weird but try it. How would they see your problem? What would they think or do? When a problem exists between you and another person instead of trying to solve the problem so it works out best for you, or "both of you" as many like to say. Try solving the problem in your mind so it works out best for the other person. I'm not saying you actually do what you think; it will just help you understand their side and give you a new perspective.


That's the key my friend, perspective. 1 dollar may be nothing to you, but to a starving man it is a meal.

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First you should know that everyone has or will feel like you do right now. It is temporary. You need to have your questions answered. If they cannot be answered, you will realize you need to throw them away.


Sounds like you are meloncholy, not depressed. It seems we are all so afraid of not being happy that anything else scares us. You seem to be taking it head on though and should be proud of yourself.


Ask the crazy questions. I'm a Lutheran, so I pray to God and I can assure that does work. He does answer with time. If you do not believe in God, then still ask the questions but be sure to ask the questions looking for a RESULT or an ANSWER. Don't just get caught up in analizing, that leads no where.

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I agree with routerx.We all feel this way from time to time.Its really good to hear you have a creative vent for your emotions.Thats real constructive as opposed to the destructive way alot of people deal with these sorts of feelings.

You say you dont trust anyone enough to let this stuff out.Thats real tough.Double tough when you cant get to the bottom of whats making you feel bad.Perhaps you just need to take a jump at it.The people in your social sphere arent there for no reason.They dont hate you.Sure they may not have had to deal with a direct statement of your emotional state before but I bet that youve been dropping telltale signs of your distress.Theres probably quite a few people who are concerned about you,but dont quite know how to approach you.Look around.If youve been getting progressively more antisocial over the last seven months (and we all get antisocial sometimes) at least one of the people you still have some connection with must be worth trusting.Easier said than done right?

Opening yourself to someone else is one of the hardest things to do,but once you do so the bond with that person is often stronger,and thats got to be good.You cant expect someone else to sort out your problems for you,but they get alot easier to deal with when theyre out in the open.Remember that no man is an Island.

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As they say "Trust goes a long way." maybe it is true. but who to give it to is the question. giving trust to anyone is not a good thing because of being taken advantage of. Truth is always there and if there's not anyone to trust then the problems progress into worse ones im still not sure as to what to do from here but maybe venting into my book of thoughts i can let everything flow with words on paper rather than having hate for most things i love.

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