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i met a guy who is really nice,we were studying in the same institute,he was always looking at me and smilling too,i did not care about him,then when we finished the courses,he came and said that he really likes,and that i am a great girl,and he wants a relationship with me,but he is going to germany and he gave me his email.the problem is that iam not ready for a relationship because i hate men because of my abusive dad,and the problem also that he is a really great man,and every girl wishes to date him , and i like him very much ,what to do ?please help?

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well, you can start off by just being friends, emailing and getting to know each other. you guys dont need to jump into a relationship right away.

also you need to understand that not all guys are abusive. i understand it must be very hard though for you after having an abusive dad, but maybe getting to know more guys just as friends, will allow you to see that in general guys dont tend to be abusive. and women also can be just as abusive.

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