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LDR: Military 11mnths - Looking 4 wisdom.


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Im looking for a little wisdom


Ok so im in the military serving an overseas assignment.


I and a girl ill call Shell have gotten into a little blooming relationship when I went on leave for 30 days. 1 month. Not long.


We feel very strong for one another but I must leave for some time, 11months to be exact.


She works hard and goes to school and has her own place and is living her life. I myself am going to school and working while serving in the military.


I have internet and phone communications with her even though its a day ahead timezone wise, but its only 8hrs time difference if you don't take the day ahead factor in.


We talk and converse mostly and its what we did before we finally met up in RL and it went GREAT!


She recently got out of a 2yr relationship with another man who was overseas foreigner who never came back, I however will come back to the US of A and be home forever when this assignment is over.


What I was wondering is what advice I can tell her and in part to the other people on this forum advice you can give me to keep this relationship at least budding while being gone for just almost under a year.


I feel that I should not constrain her or at least say that you have to be loyal to me while I am away should your heart feel differnt with me being gone.


Soooo? any ideas comments or suggestions.

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Well I just want to let you know that you're not alone in this situation...I'm currently in very very similar situation. I've been in a long distance relationship for over 2 yrs now.


You have to simply not forget to communicate with her as much as possible and continue to speak of the future. The picture of the two of you being together in the distance future is essential to you still being together.


Also, you must try to see if in fact you can meet her during a middle point sometime during those 11months...because that's a very long time to be apart.


In addition, you have to also make sure it's clear that there is a date for you to come back to the US and that she knows you're committed to it.

There is much more that you can do and I'll let the others respond too.

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