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I've been with my boyfriend for 4.5 years. He's an amazing guy, but our relationship has always been long distance due to school. He's in law school right now and will be done in 3 more years. For the past year, the distance has really gotten to me. And now with law school, he's even busier than before. We see each other every weekend, but it just seems to be not enough for me. I've met other guys that are interested in me, and it makes it even more difficult. How do I deal with this situation so I don't go insane?!

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... seeing each other every weekend is a very short long distance relationship.


However, if you need to see your boyfriend every day then you and him aren't that compatible. If you feel like you want to go for the new guy then go for it. It's your life afterall. Do what's best for yourself.

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Thanks for the advice. Do you think I am just overreacting? He has all the qualities I want in a guy - I don't want anyone else. I just don't know how it's supposed to feel after over 4 years. I want to be supportive. Do you think it will change after we're both done with school? How do I stop thinking of other guys? I try to keep myself busy with school and work... please help!

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Yes, we have discussed it many times. He just tries to make the best of it because we can't do anything about it right now. He tends to be optimistic while I tend to be pessimistic. He is very driven and motivated, and I know he's doing it so we can have a comfortable life - I know he cares. Nothing happened with the other guys. It just makes me think about things when a guy that lives near me starts trying to talk to me. I would never do anyting to jeapordize our relationship. All my friends have boyfriends they get to see every day - that gets to me sometimes. I don't want to be with anyone else, so I am trying to figure out how to deal with it without stressing him out on top of law school. It's really a dead end argument because there is no solution right now - he's in school there and I'm in school here. I just started this thread because I wanted to know if there was a real issue or I was just overreacting.

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