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This is just a post to vent. . .

If anyone read my posts from a few weeks ago about the guy that I dumped b/c I was tired of dealing with his ex drama. . .

He was still texing me every once in a while as a friend.

Which was fine with me. . . . b/c I slept with him I would rather be friends that pretend I didn't know him since we go to the same gym and I have to see him.

Anyway, every single time I brought up us having a conversation about what happened so that we could clear the air and not have anamosity he didn't want to talk about it.

Things have been pretty bad with fighting back and forth the past few weeks and obviously the texts got less and less b/c they would end up in a fight.

Friday night he texted me and asked me if I was going to a certain bar around our house. I immediately wanted to know why he was asking b/c I am pretty much POSITIVE that he went back to his ex although I have no proof.

We talked a little bit on Friday and a very tiny bit on Saturday.

He said he was staying home on Saturday b/c he had to study for his Anatomy test. I was joking around and said "do you have someone to help you with that lol. . . . He responded with "just studying my books". . . I texted back and told him that I was only joking.

So I then told him that I would be around Sat if he wanted to take a break and get a drink or get something to eat and no response.

A few hours later I texted and said "change of plans, guess I am going out then said "Hey, if you don't want me to ask you to hang out anymore, please let me know so I don't look like a fool. . . and NO RESPONSE!

Then yesterday I texted him and said Hi, hows your day. . . NO RESPONSE!

So I texted late last night and said "Hey, listen. . . .I really appreciate honestly. Things would have been a lot easier on both of us had you just told me to stop texting you instead of me making an idiot out of myself AND annoying you since you obviously don't care to talk to me anymore. Would have been nice just to be told. . . NO RESPONSE!!!

My last text this morning was just to say to him that there was an accident on the highway and to leave early. . . . I don't even need to say it again but NO RESPONSE.

Now. . . I realize that I am making a fool of myself now and NO I will not text again. . .But WHY can't people just be honest instead of making the other person feel stupid. I gave him plenty of opportunity to send a text (easy way out) to tell me that he didn't not want to see me anymore, text him anymore, talk at all anymore, that he got back with his ex.

I guess that is all I wanted to hear and why I kept pressing the issue.

We only dating for around 2 months. . . . Him and his ex just broke up the day before the first time we went out. I completely understand that I was the rebound and kind of figured eventually they would get back together althought "of course" when we were together he wanted a relationship with me.

He was done with her, she was ruining his life, she was a psycho, dramatic, etc. . . .

I guess a lot of this just brings back things with the ex that broke up with me a year ago after dating for 4.5 years. He never responded to me ONE SINGLE time since the day that he dumped me.

It hurts mostly b/c he just cannot come out and tell me what the deal is and in the meantime I look like a complete PSYCHO who can't leave him alone. . . and I still have to see him at the gym.

Thanks for letting me vent!

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why do you need answers? forget this guy altogether. don't agree to go meet up with a drink or dinner or whatever. even if it is to talk about the situation. he has shown his interest which is about nil and he doesn't tell you anything. so you see him at the gym. just act like you don't know him and don't look at him. it should be as simple as that. cut your losses and move on.


i've seen too many women that want answers. the answer usually comes down to one thing: you dated an idiot.

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