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Incapable of dating??


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I went into town last night for the first time as a single girl, been nearly two years now. And I absolutely hated it. Some drunken student started dancing with me and then "kissing" me (I use the term VERY loosely as it was more teeth gnashing, ugggghhh)...the whole thing freaked me out. I wasn't even attracted to him in any way. When he started touching me I nearly burst into tears thinking of my ex, who I thought I was well over (he has been my only boyfriend though, we were together over 3 years). People my age go out every weekend and kiss strangers willy nilly, no problem, so what the hell's wrong with me?? How am I supposed to "move on" if I flip at a guy dancing with me? God...I'm a loser lol I'm seriously starting to believe I'm incapable of being with anyone but my ex, which isn't even an option anymore as he's got a girlfriend now.

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Yeah I would rather be properly dating as opposed to hooking up, but it seems people my age don't really do that...and I'm so shy I don't even know where to meet guys unless I've had enough to drink to make me somewhat sociable. Yuck.


Not playing the poor me card...I'd like to think after 2 years the break-up isn't still affecting me but the way I instantly thought of my ex as soon as this guy came into the picture was really weird.

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Yeah I would rather be properly dating as opposed to hooking up, but it seems people my age don't really do that...and I'm so shy I don't even know where to meet guys unless I've had enough to drink to make me somewhat sociable. Yuck.


Not playing the poor me card...I'd like to think after 2 years the break-up isn't still affecting me but the way I instantly thought of my ex as soon as this guy came into the picture was really weird.


Not everyone our age does that (im 23). Sure I have friends that go out to bars/clubs every now and then and like the random hook-up here and there, but its certainly not for everyone...especially when your uncomfortable with it.


I feel you probably just pictured your ex because you were moving too fast for your own good. You didn't really get a chance to know this guy and instead just jumped to the end of date #1, 2 or 3 (aka the hook-up part). It sounds to me that you dont need to be going out to clubs/bars and randomly hooking up, you need to get to know someone before hooking up with them so your thinking about them and what they are all about...not your ex.

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