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i have been in love with a guy for 4 years and i don't know what to do

he knows i like him do i tell him or not i have try to tell him but his girlfriend is all ways there she dosn't like me i know i see him everyday

and i so upset by her what am i going to do.


do i tell him or leave him to it please can somebody tell me what to do


before it gets out of hand i love him sooooooooooooooos and it's hurting me so bad in side me i don't know what to do anymore

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i've been in a similar situation. If he knows you like him, then it really is out of your hands at this point. The best you can do is (that is, if you want to) lay your cards face up out on the table for him. It may make you very vulnerable for rejection, but at least you will have a conclusion, a sense of closure. I believe that every human being has the ability to get what they want. to make up their own mind...to make a decision about something. If he chooses to be with his girlfriend, then let it go. If being friends with him is too hard, then maybe take a break from him as a friend and tell him why.... and then move on. It will be better for your heart. If he DOES choose you, then make sure he ends it with his girlfriend very cleanly and with no dirt...you know? or else, your relationship with him might go sour fast.

hope I could help

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Hey Bubbles and eltee. First up, I'd like to welcome you's to enotalone on behalf of everyone. I'm sure u've taken a nice step towards finding support and advice from many people of various ages from around the world which will be around for a while.


I think it's time you got over him, its not really healthy I don't think. He's already with someone else, not a good idea to break them up, things could get ugly. Just accept the fact and that met new people, you could find that someone really special.


If it was meant to be, it still will, and nothing you can do can change that fact.


Happy Heb

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