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Ex contacted me - broke down


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Hi Guys,


I am upset right now. Why? Well it took me a while to build myselfagain with no contact with my ex. Last night he called me and after 3 hours of talking I felt like my group was shaking again. I am so upset because talking to him really opened all those wounds I wanted to forget. Today all day I thought about us and how we were and all the good things. He was kicked out of university so he said that he got back in and that if i still card about him he would go here instead of the other university he got accepted into. Now like he said that with our university he will be back in 3rd year and the other university accepted him as a first year student. All this is mind games, he will decide where he wants to depending on my answer about my feelings towards him? Come on this is so fake...mind games...I am so tired of them. I am trying to rebuild myself but why does he keep trying to shake it? I know he will keep trying but why do i let him break me down so easily? Am I so weak that anyone can break down what took me everyday tears, everyday power talks....everyday jus trying to get upp...it took me a long time to build this .....Why Am I let him break me down? HEs bad for me...hes abusive....he makes me really angry ...as u all know.

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If you are over him and don't want to get back together...then, you can send him the message that he needs to stay away from you. DOn't think of yourself powerless or weak, you do have the power....no one can effect you if you choose not to let them. Make it clear to him that he is your past and you've moved on and are happy without him...so he does not need to ask you which university to attend...tell him to make that decision for him, and not for you, because even if he does come back to your university, you will not pursue a relationship with him. If you don't want to be with him, saying something to this effect will send a clear message to him that you are over him and that his "mind games" have no affect you. Good luck

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