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Make me a workout routine!

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what's up guys? I have been OBSESSED with getting into peak physical condition lately, i'm going for the lean, cut body and i was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind helping me setup a workout routine.


The biggest reason i am trying to get in better shape is mainly for myself, to prove that i have what it takes to make myself look good. Of course i am also going to college next year and i don't mind impressing the ladies


I will tell you what i do at the moment, i run every weekday morning before breakfast mon-fri for a 2-3 mile run. This helps burn fat considering i haven't eaten in over 8 hours and my body will feed off my fat instead of food i have just eaten. Every night i do ab and arm exercises. I do 3 sets of 75 reps for abs(ab lounge, sometimes situps) and 3 sets of 50 reps when i do pushups(every other day) and something similar for my biceps and shoulders the days i'm not working my triceps.


I am 18, 5'11" and weigh 170 lbs, mostly muscle. I have been working toward my 6-pack and it is coming in quite nicely, but at the moment it is mostly visible when i lean back and turn my body a little and flex.


I have cleaned up my eating habits quite a bit i stay clear from soda, drink at LEAST 10 glasses of water a day, and have changed from eating 3 big meals a day to eating 5-6 to keep my metabolism steady.


So what i am asking for is a more organized workout routine such as working certain muscle groups one day, then others the next with the amount of sets/reps. I appreciate the help, lets get these routines on here!

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Throw some light weight resistance into there. Calisthenics are great for toning, but they don't really bulk you up. Don't buy any supplements or pills. Just eat a lot of protein. One can of tuna should do the trick. One exercise I strongly recommend is a pull-up. It will work the bicep and upper back, greatly enhancing the "V shape".

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If you do not want to lift weights, then some traditional exercises should be thrown in like the pull-up. With pushups, vary the width of your grip, starting wide and then narrowing. Also vary your angles. Sometimes you can have your body elevated, but the more you elevate your feet about your body, the more you will work your upper chest. If can do them with your feet on a wall doing a handstand, your shoulders will be strong.


You can do regular pullups, which will really work your back, especially your lats, but also traps and rhomboids. Vary your width of grips and the angle you grip at relative to your body. But if you can elevate your feet too, so you do the opposite of a pushup, then at times you will concentrate on your traps and rhomboids.


Also, dips and seated dips are good for your triceps. Dips also involve chest and lats.


Finally, after you run, jump. Get your legs tired, then stand still and jump as high as you can repeatedly. You will be working on your leg strength.

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sounds like you got a nice routine going for you. I suggest push ups and do them very slowly. Don't fully extend your arms in the up position and don't touch your body to the ground in the down position. Try to count to five going up and five going down.


It burns so good.


About the abs... don't worry about that so much. You are only 18. IMO it is really hard to get good defenition until about 20-21.

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sounds like you got a nice routine going for you. I suggest push ups and do them very slowly. Don't fully extend your arms in the up position and don't touch your body to the ground in the down position. Try to count to five going up and five going down.

It burns so good.



thanks, i probably should do that since it is a bit tougher, but i may have to lower my reps to begin with, lol, 3 sets of 50 doing those would be absolutely killer. i may cut it down to 3 sets of 25 if i try that. thanks for the tips guys, i think my routine is working well for me, i am just hoping for results faster, and i have seen a dramatic change from when i first started(wish i took pictures) but i'll keep going and eating even healthier.

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Make sure to vary your routine and not do the same activity every day. The best thing to do is start with a middle ground -- a mixture of cardio and weight training -- and then lean heavily on one or the either depending on your goal. Since you want "lean and cut," I would suggest focusing more on the weight than the cardio. But it's important not to stop doing cardio altogether, even if its just mild cardio.


Good luck with your goal!

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