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How to encourage a depressed person to seek treatment?


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My boyfriend of several years is deeply depressed. When I first met him, he was full of energy and life and plans, but that has dropped off in the last six months or so.


Nothing makes him happy any more. He rarely laughs, never smiles, and spends most of his time thinking about how much he hates life.


He isn't suicidal, but has frequently said that he doesn't care if he dies or not. It "won't make a difference to him, because he has nothing to live for anyway."


He recognizes the changes in himself, even naming it depression... but he won't seek treatment for it. He is convinced that it is something that he can overcome just by gritting his teeth and facing the day.... or else it's something that I can do for him.


I know that I can't fix it, not alone.


I want very much for him to feel better about his world, to be happy and full of life again. I believe that treatment will help.... but I don't know how to show him that it isn't defeat to take that course.


Am I on the wrong track?


Can anyone offer suggestions??

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