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Lunch date is vegetarian - should I NOT order meat?


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OK so I'm meeting a "blind date" for lunch. I don't know much about this guy, but I know he is a vegetarian. Does this mean I have to order a vegetable entree? I'm sure there is something veg I can get, but I kind of prefer one of the chicken entrees from the restuarant we are going to. Don't want to offend/step on any toes though


What should I do? Play it safe and order something veggie?

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I think that you should order what ever you want. So what if he is a vegetarian. If he is gonna like you than he is going to have to accept you for who you are and you are not a vegetarian. Its better to be straight out honest with him, instead of waiting until later.

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Just be yourself.

I am vegan, and I like it when people order what THEY want to order.

It bothers me when people try to please me...it makes me think that they are too insecure to just be themselves.

When I invite someone over for lunch or dinner, I make vegan meals.

I know that some vegans and vegetarians won't date people who eat meat...so it might be something worth talking about on this date...it could be a 'red flag' for you.

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