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Anyone familiar with NearVision CK?

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I've read the websites but don't know anyone who's had it done. I'm sick of reading glasses and would appreciate hearing anything about this procedure that uses radio waves to adjust the lens of one eye.

I have good vision except up close.



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I would love to get my eyes done, but eyes are so precious, if stuff goes wrong and you go blind ugh. They often make it sound nice and all, but after i visited a site called eye laser hell, and spoke with the victims of laser eye surgery i would think twice. Even so its so tempting to get rid of those nasty glasses.

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Yeah that was the same thing i thought about eye laser surgery, you see the thing is, because the company wants to earn money you easily discard all the risks because they make it sounds so nice and easy, you don't hear about emily x or bob z who got blind as a result of that procedure. Chances are that your putting all your faith in them, while you only may know half or even less of the story that is behind it. Im not trying to scare you , just trying to warn you not to have a all to heavenly outlook on such a procedure.

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