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Very, very nervous.

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I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and out of 4 doctors that I've been to in the past year and a half its looking like she's going to be the only one who can shed some light on what's been making me so ill for so long. All I know is that they found some abnormalities in my blood work. The nurse said it was nothing urgent but that she didn't want to tell me what it was because she would rather I discussed it with the doctor. I'm very nervous because I've had hope that I would figure all of this out before and been sorely mistaken. With each doctor, I would tell myself and just feel that "This is it. This is going to be the last doctor I'll have to see in pursuit of finding out what the hell is wrong with me." And each time they would tell me that they found nothing wrong and that I would get over it. Its my body. I know MY body and I know in my heart that its not in my head. I've grown to hate doctors because of it and with each doctor's visit I grow more and more fearful of hearing that there's nothing wrong with me. I'm also terrified that I'm going to go tomorrow and she's going to tell me, "Well, we found this wrong and that wrong but none of them are connected to each other or your symptoms so I don't know what's wrong with you." I just can't stop thinking about tomorrow. Wish me luck guys. I'll be back here after my appointment to let you all know what she says.

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I have a dear friend and it took over a year and 3 or 4 doctors to properly diagnose her rheumatoid arthritis. So you are doing the right thing by seeking the advise of several doctors if you can't get a satisfactory answer.


Good luck ... I hope they find out what's wrong, and that it's something easy to treat!



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I got the results back and it turns out that my testosterone level is pretty high. Which can mean two things...I either have PCOS-Polycystic Ovary Syndrome- (Which really wouldn't be causing all of my strange symptoms) or my adrenals are over active or something. So I have to have an MRI of my ovaries and my adrenal glands to check for 1 on my ovaries and 2: Any masses or tumors on my adrenal glands. That's all I know so far. I'll keep you all updated.


And Hope, my symptoms are I gain weight easily-I seem to be carb sensitive-pubic and head hair loss as well as eyebrow loss, slow body hair growth, vaginal dryness and persistent vaginal infections, exercise intolerance and fatigue, fatigue, and more fatigue. Its because of my symptoms that I don't think its PCOS (I did a lot of reading on PCOS about a year ago so I know A LOT about it.) Also my symptoms get much worse when I'm stressed. I really hope that its not PCOS anyway.

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Hello Empathy,


Sorry to hear things are so hard for you at the moment It's incredibly scary and frustrating when something is clearly wrong but no-one can figure out what it is. *hug*


If it is PCOS, while that's no fun at all, at least you will have an answer, and many of the symptoms of PCOS are managable...


take care,



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I read what you wrote - have they checked your thyroid at all?? I have an underactive thyroid and it took FOREVER for them to figure out what was wrong!! I was exhausted all the time, depressed, freezing cold, abnormal periods, I could go on and on. It can cause a wide range of symptoms but the main one is fatigue. Because the thyroid regulates almost every function in your body you can get a wide range of symptoms. but alot of doctors dont even think to check your thyroid especially if your young.


good luck with everything.

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Hey there,


As I read your symptoms, it sounds like to me a thyroid issue. The fatigue, the hair loss, your homrones being out of whack. I looked up eyebrow loss and endocrine diseases such as issues with the thyroid came up.


There is a blood test for your thyroid. Actually, I am getting my blood tested tomorrow for my thryoid, cholesterol, and glucose (diabetes). Ask to have your blood tested for thryoid disease. And it is treatable.


I hope you feel better soon. Let us know how things turn out.


Here are some links that may help too....


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