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sick of being alone


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I have been single for 8 years and to be honest I am sick of it. I am not asking for a rich guy with money or super good looking buffy ... I just want an honest, non complicated, funny person that I can share my life with. Am I asking for too much?


Am I destined to be alone? Why? What can I do or change in my life to meet someone?

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I am 27 and I do go out alot but all the men I meet want to date different girls all the time. No one wants a relationship. I'm a great person I know that but how do u even connect with someone when people here just jump from one person to the next like toys

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Hmmm, I had been single for a year and a half....it wasn't that scarry,but u are right, ppl don't want to get attached as it seems. I just take a look at my brother,he's 17,and he changed like 20 girls in a last year!!!! FFS

Most of my generation get attached to a person he is with (i've been with my ex for 2 years (from my 17th to 19th birthday),so i can't believe ur generation is like 17 year olds

Maybe u should just start getting picky...

Try a friends brother,someone u met on icesk8ing or something,they are usually that kind of ppl that get involved. Those Fckers from night clubs are scumbags,they have like 8 girls on that evening/night,believe me,i have such friends....

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Well, Brenda, if I had the answer to finding a soulmate, not only would I be deliriously happy, I'd also be a rich woman.


I do believe, however, that we often get out of life exactly what we put into it. Meaning that if you approach dating with the preconceived notion that everyone is only out for a quick, casual hook-up, that negativity comes accross with the men you meet.


If you just focus on being happy, being content with the good things that you DO have, people (not only men) will be attracted to that aspect of your personality.


Also, you can't sit around waiting for love, soulmates and happily ever after to make everything okay. Life isn't like a Harlequin romance novel; sometimes it's a struggle from beginning to end.


My aunt married young, had two kids, only to realize that her husband was a no-good bastard. She spent 22 years alone, raising two children on her own and she never complained about it. It was simply the hand that life dealt her.


But one day, out of nowhere, while she was working, she called a client who liked the sound of her voice. After a few weeks (yes, WEEKS!) of persistence, he convinced her to give him her phone number.


He lived in Virginia, while she lived in California, but they fell in love, got married and have been happy together for the past 12 years.


She was 46 when they met.


I'm not saying you have to wait 20-some years to find your soulmate--heck, you might never find him--but that's not the point. The point is that love comes unbidden; you can't force it; you can't decide when it happens.


It just does. What's important is how you live your life because that's what matters in the long run.

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I am 27 and I do go out alot but all the men I meet want to date different girls all the time. No one wants a relationship. I'm a great person I know that but how do u even connect with someone when people here just jump from one person to the next like toys


Maybe you are just looking for guys to date in the wrong places. Bars and clubs seem to be the best places to find a fling or one night stand, not a relationship. Have you tried getting set up trough friends or co workers, online dating, joining some sort of club???


By the way if that is you in your profile, you are very pretty

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I am 27 and I do go out alot but all the men I meet want to date different girls all the time. No one wants a relationship. I'm a great person I know that but how do u even connect with someone when people here just jump from one person to the next like toys


u sound deseparate.........maybe thats the reason why.........go out looking for fun not a relationship i learned that way back when i was yeee high


and if your single dammit then your single, raise that flag of singledom and be happy with it


men find women who are happy being single very attractive they send off that vibe thats says i have swagger.........


where as from what you type i see




im not making fun of you but from what u type thats what i concur


not attractive........

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Ahahah Jelay That Was Funny I Didn't Know I Sounded Like That. But No Seriously...

I Am Not Insecure ,messed Up Or Some Depressed Girl. I Am Very Social And I Do Enjoy Being Single But Cmon Not For The Rest Of My Life. I Have Been Single For Yearssss And Yearss Now And I Am Getting Sick Of It.

Nice Men That I Meet In School Or Work Have Girlfriends And The Rest That I Meet In Clubs Or Bars Sleep With Multiple Girls In One Day. Well Since I Don't Want To Steal Anyone's Man Or Date A Cheap Swinger I Guess There Is Nothing Left For Me But Myself.

As Always

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Ahahah Jelay That Was Funny I Didn't Know I Sounded Like That. But No Seriously...I Am Not Insecure ,messed Up Or Some Depressed Girl. I Am Very Social And I Do Enjoy Being Single But Cmon Not For The Rest Of My Life. I Have Been Single For Yearssss And Yearss Now And I Am Getting Sick Of It.

Nice Men That I Meet In School Or Work Have Girlfriends And The Rest That I Meet In Clubs Or Bars Sleep With Multiple Girls In One Day. Well Since I Don't Want To Steal Anyone's Man Or Date A Cheap Swinger I Guess There Is Nothing Left For Me But Myself.

As Always


see, what you say makes a big difference, and if you come off like that i would say i have a gf too, i dont think every man u met has a gf or slept with numerous people unless you only met 15 men in your life.......it must be the way that you come off too people, either that or you intimidate people, cz ive been told ii intimidate people and walk with a ferocious swagger that says to hell with you im sweet buttaballs...and you are?

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Oh man, Brenda I so agree with you but with the opposite sex. Apparently, the situation is different for me as the attractive/good girls are all taken in my school. I also have to take off lots of girls from my list because many are from sororities--I hear too much wild and sexual experiences that goes on in there. I also don't want a girl that slept around before, and all the good and attractive ladies are all taken. Yeah, I know what you mean, it sucks to be lonely, been only 4 months for me and its already driving me crazy.

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Brenda stick with it. We are out there. I am looking for the same thing you are. I have only been single for about 6 months but before that it was 2 years. I meet a lot of girls but it's hard finding girls like you. I wish I had an answer to all this but I guess we just have to roll with the punches. If that is you in your profile the guys in your area must really be dropping the ball b/c you're very pretty and appear to be a great catch too.

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