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I'm sorta venting about my crazy family could use some advice


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I'll try and make this as short as possible.Ok for the past like 5 years or so my dads done nothing but spoil my brother.My mother is no angel as well but no where near as bad as my dad.Ok for the past few years i would say 3 my brother who's 21 has been really mouthy to my dad.He's called him every curse word you can think of and when i try to stick up for my dad since he is in his 60s guess who gets punished me.Tonight was another one of those episodes his car is due (for those wondering my dad pays his car payments)so he has one of his hissey fits cursing my dad saying your a mother f go f yourself and so on.After i picked up my jaw from the floor i told my brother off and i get punished so ill be taking the bus tomorrow since i share a car for defending my dad ?Only comeback my dad made was here is your car payment.Even after that my brother was saying you are such an s*** face,Anyway this may sound cruel but i cant wait for the day when karma comes back to hit my brother cause i wont be there I'm turned off from him all together.He wont even talk to me he would rather drink and have good times with his friends and wont even talk to me.Sigh

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My parents were the same way with my sister. She could and can do no wrong. Her bills are paid by them (although she and her husband make well over $100,000/year between the two of them). She appreciates nothing, is backstabbing, and two-faced. Needless to say, she and I do not get along and do not spend any time together. I've always figured there was some sort of guilt there on my parent's part, but I have no idea what it would be. This isn't something that just suddenly started one day. It was ALWAYS that way. Regardless of what anybody says, parents DO have favorites. Some just make it more known than others who their favorite is.

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Is there some history between your dad and your brother? Something your dad feels guilty about?
I doubt it cause we all grew up pretty much the same no one was hit more then the other or punished.It's just no offense i may get crap for this but my dad refuses to grow a pair and just spoils him.As i'm typing this he went to my brothers room to tell him he was sorry ugh you kidding me sorry why this kid is living rent free stop pampering him.Thing that really just ticks me off i'm like a perfect son i never raise my voice to both of them yet the way they treat me you would think i''m the bad apple.
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