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Suggestions on how to keep final meet somewhat uplifting?

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Hi, my girlfriend and I of 2+ years broke up a little over 6 months ago. It was gut wrenching but as friendly as possible considering... you know, when a couple people grow apart from each other... and both know it. It was a sad situation for both of us, but we've maintained and have talked occasionally and kept things quite civil. Neither of us have relationship-feelings for each other, in my opinion.


But an interesting turn of events, she's moving out of the country soon. So, there will be a final meeting/dinner to say goodbye. I still get a bit down when I talk to her on the phone... but as with any friend you're not going to see much anymore.


I don't know if I can deal with an extremely emotional goodbye. Besides not going to dinner ;0, any suggestion for how to pull the bandaid quickly, or do you think it might be unavoidable?

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