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this girl who i think is really hot talks to me and i talk to her. at first i was just physically attracted to her, but once we started talking i started to like her personality and so on. She touches my stomach and my arm when we talk so i thought to myself that this was a surefire sign that she likes me. But, I noticed she does this to a lot of guys. So, I'm thinking she's just a flirty person. we stopped talking for a while cause i didn't see her much in school. but today, she saw me and goes "hey you havent been online much" and she touched my arm and i go yeah ive been watching tv and she goes oh thats cool and then we just stand there and she goes "so..." and we couldnt think of anything to say. I wanna tell her how i feel but im not sure i can handle the rejection if she doesnt like me. I appreciate the help.

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Well think about it like this

Its better to ask her and knowing how she truly feels about u, then u wondering for the rest of ur life "what if she did like me?" Take some time talk to her a little more, watch her movements then when u think the time is right ask her if she would like to chill sometime at the mall or catch a movie, take her out to eat.


i was in the same boat as u i finally got the nerve to ask the girl i like out and to my surprise she said "YES"

take some time to think about it rejection hurts but it would hurt more not knowing what could of or couldnt not have been.


good luck

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Don't muck it up like i have done - i don't have a clue if she likes me or not! Its like everythings there, but then i pressured her into saying if she liked me or not, and she kept saying several contradicting things, and beating aorund the bush (all done over msn messenger, but she flirted etc in school). And so i thaught fine, she must be screwed up in the head, and doesn't fancy me, then other stuff happans, and she hints stuff, and well its basically a long story, and im not sure where i stand.

Ask her in person, don't act like your doing it for abet, and don't pressure her... then you should have a clear answer. Good luck.

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