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Okay, so here's the deal...


Last year (sophmore) I dated Pat for about 3 months. I didn't really love him though, so I broke up with him. He kept sending me letters and poems and telling me he wanted me back, and all of that. So I ignored him until he stopped talking to me. We both moved on and dated differant people. Then at the beginning of this year, I realixed that I loved him. Not only that but I was in love with him.

We started to talk again, gradually, and now we are friends. The only problem is: we are both seeing people. He is always flirting with me, and he knows that I still like him. He is sending me mixed messages. Because he tells people that he really likes his g/f, but then at the same time he flirts like crazy with me. Do you think I can get him back? Or do you think I should just give it up and move on?

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Have you ever seen my best friend's wedding.


When you are in love with a person, you want to tell them right then and there, you cherish them.......... and you dont want to let go.


Now what I can gather from your story, maybe you are only thinking that you are in love with him, you know sometimes we imagine (trust me this happens to about 99% of girls and guys) that we love the person. Have you thought that maybe if you's get back together and then one day you will realise, you achieved what you set out for, got him back........ and that was the whole infatuation of the matter?


What do you reckon?

PM if you wish

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I definitely think that you can get this guy back, but out of respect to everyone you should wait until he decides more about what he wants to do. If he's happy with the relationship that he currently is in, then you shouldn't even bring up the subject of getting back together.


I also think you need to talk more to your current boyfriend. If you don't like him at all, then you really need to let him know this. It's unfair to him to think that he's in a happy relationship with someone.

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i would wait until him & his gf break up... you said he likes his gf right now, so if he breaks up with her just to go back out with you, then he will still have feelings for his gf when he's with you. i think he shouldnt be flirting with you. like if him & his gf broke up & you got back together, how would you feel if he started flirting with his old gf? i also dont think you should be letting him. you know that he has a gf & he knows that you still like him, so of all the girls out there, why would he flirt with you if he didn't still like you? i think that next time he flirts with you (if you are sure he's flirting & not just being friendly) then you should say something like "you shouldnt be flirting with me when you have a gf right now"...im not exactly sure if im getting my point accross, but put yourself in his gfs position, would you like knowing that your bf is flirting with an ex that still likes him? i know i wouldn't...

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