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How can I accept myself if G-d doesn't?

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I feel so bad that you feel you're not accepted by God. GOD loves all of his creations!!! If he didn't you wouldn't be here. You have to remember that all of these religious books date back...wayyyyy... far. They, in alot of ways, don't pertain to this day and age, also they are just a reference guide on how to live your life. God knows NO ONE is perfect and we live our lives the best we can for ourselves. As long as you lead a good life and don't hurt (i.e murder, steal, cheat...) anyone in the process, God won't judge you for being a lesbian. I say be who you want and do what makes you happy. Any God that is that narrow minded isn't a good God. The REAL God excepts all and forgives all.

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I was raised in the Catholic faith and can empathise to a degree.


For so long I believed that if I gave into temptation I'd be showing a weakness of faith and that by exploring my gay feelings I'd basically be failing a test of my devotion to God and his teachings/wishes. It was fear of going against the wishes of God that kept me very much in the closet as it were.


This fear didn't stop me questioning my beliefs and it was this constant questioning that gradually changed my life. It took years and a lot of soul searching but I eventually realised that my soul is no more tainted by sin because of my homosexuality than any other man, woman or child's is for their heterosexuality.


God loves me for who I am and his love for me is not diminished because I'm gay.


God doesn't preach hate, people do.

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I'm happy that the responses helped you feel better and I enjoyed reading them myself. I was having this argument with my SO the other day and he kept throwing up the bible at me. I told him that I dont believe people are going to be damned for loving each other whether its same sex or not and I was happy with my beliefs and my relationship with God.

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