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Is it ok to eat your own cum?


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Hello again,


Hero... I think he is talking about his own bodily fluid, in which case there should be no problem... there is medically nothing harmful with ingesting these fluids, and in fact many people make a practice of drinking their own urine on a daily basis (and blood would be no different). There are only a few cirumstances in which this could be unhealthy, possibly with genital herpes (which could spread to the mouth quite easily) But, I think this person would already know what kind health he is in.


Personally, as I said, the idea seems odd to me, but everyone has their own ways, so keep that in mind!


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Anytime... I'm glad I could be of help. To the others reading this, keep in mind that everyone has very different "turn-ons" or "fetishes", and what to one person seems wonderfully erotic, could seem horrible to another. Just keep an open mind with things like this...


I always say... as long as it's safe or not hurting anyone, why not? What's the reason for following the "rules of society" when it comes to things like this? If everyone was the same, nobody would be interesting!


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I must admit, at first I thought you were joking about ingesting your own semen. You know, you even put the smilies next to it, so I thought this guy is kidding. But now that I've seen the other replies, I realize this might be interesting to some people. As they say, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. Still, I had never conceived that someone could do that. Broadens my horizons on sexuality I guess.



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well i never drink my cum when i masturbate but their is in my past i guess i was 19 i was so aroused with this guy i have in my place when i give him his head i felt so shame to waste his fluid so i drink it but nothing happens to me but the taste was so salty tough! god i wish you could see him his a real stud!

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