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i wanna die cause nothing is worth living for right now...im thinking about hanging myself cause it seems like thats the only way ill be sure ill die...but i dont want my family to find me there hanging....especially not my mom....it really hurts to think about how she would react and feel when she sees me hanging there,dead.... so im just wondering if anyone can help me to find a way to die... a way that is easy and that definitely will kill me... a way that will be less painful for my mom... please someone help me i cant take it anymore

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grr!!!!! No!! No! No ! No!! aaaaaaaaaah!! #-o

whassup?? You want to die? Are ya crazy!!! That is NOT a good idea. Seriously.

Aside of probably pissing off GOD who gave you this life so that you'd do something of it, Suicide is selfish and just wrong. First of all you'd be depriving your friends and family of your company. Now sooner or later they will find out, and they will be hurt.

As of nothing worth living for.... did u say "right now" ? Well, some you could seriously use some patience dear, now is only right now. The terrible thing about suicide is that, you can't exactly go backwards once you do it. And they are plenty of things worth living for, if it doesn't seem like it right now, look again. Think of those things you like feeling, doing, and imagine never enjoy those pleasures again.


Now I'm not gifted with superpowers but, imagine all the things that could be awaiting you further. You don't know, neither do I. Patience my dear.

A few years ago, I was a bit as you are. Now I'm having the fun of my life. Right now I'm pretty glad I stayed alive. I wouldn't have met the people I've met, seen the things I have seen, discovered this totally funky world.

If I can't manage to convince you myself, maybe you could open a bible and check GOD's word himself and you might understand what i mean better.



~ Nothing is worth living more than life itself.

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Please don't do that to yourself and the family who loves you. Nothing is worth doing that. Whatever is going on to make you think like that, will eventually go away and you will look back and say to yourself "What was I thinking". Please, talk to somebody, a friend, a counselor, a family member. Let them kno wwhat you are thinking and how you are feeling. By you writing this post, it is obviously a cry for help. Please, think about your family. Think what they would have to live with if you did that. You can be helped, you can do it.

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Hey Amanda!

I see you are quite confused and tired about life. Let me tell you that I have just been recently like you have been: nothing else seems to matter, world becomes senseless and boring and it seems that there are no exits.

But I made my way out of the dark. I realized that life has many surprises, including bad and good things, but in 99.99% of our lifes, there are more good times than bad ones. Remember that killing yourself would be giving up. Think about someone you admire, (in my case, Albert Einstein or Eminem) they wouldn't be there by now if they had given up. Don't give up your dreams and goals. Remember that you are going to have a bright future. By the way you write, I can tell that you are a wonderful person, and that you are just confused. PLEASE, DON'T SUICIDE.

It's good to hear that you care for your mum, there are many other people who love you too, and wouldn't like to see you suffer. Why don't you go and talk to them?

By the way, it would be easier for us to help you if you told us what's annoying you.


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Aaaiiiyah! yo

Amy here> im 15, i my sister did that 3 years ago...

i still cant stop seeing it in my head, restless nights for 3 years

i was thinkin of wiping myself out too for a while, but after a while (bout couple weeks ago) i met Susanne an i love her sooo much, if i hada killeded me (not only would my famly be p****ed X infinite) but i would never have met Suz


besides, when ur dead, where u go?.............suicide never

-=[*Take ur mom 4 eg. she loves u like u say, if u did that, she would have nothing, ur needed*]=-

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  • 3 months later...

Aint no reason to kill yourself trust me i been there, there is always a reason to live, u just need to find it but suicide is never the answer because then ur friends and family suffer becuase they do cre about you and love you veryu much just try hard never resort to suicide its the cowards way out and i know you arent a coward beacuase you had the courage to come to enotalone and tell us about your problems . justy remember as long as their is someone who loves you and someone who wil suffer there is a reason to live good luck.

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