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Posts posted by Sweets4u42

  1. Well, my parents got divorced last May, a little less than a year and a half ago. Both of them have found someone new.

    Since June, my mom has made me go to a psychotherapist because she thought that i wasn't telling her everything and i was keeping all my feelings in. While there, it was discovered that i had a type of bipolar disorder, which apparently runs in the family.

    I'm also in a long term relationship.

    And although it might now seem like much, everything is just hitting so hard right now. Both my parents are trying to encorporate their new partners into my life. I didn't mind it at first, but now, it just adds on to the other pressures in my life.

    With my boyfriend; I've been trying to deal with my disorder, and I don't think he sees how much it affects me. He also denies that i have it, which you would guess doesn't help.

    I don't feel like i have a grip on anything in my life. My boyfriend and my school sport are the two driving forces that keep me from freaking out and ending it all. Just a little bit of rambling, and it probably won't do much good, but I just wanted to get it out there and off my chest. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. I definitely think she still has feelings for you, and when she brings up her new boyfriend, she is trying ot make you really jealous, and just hurt you even more. I wouldn't let it get to you, although she may seem nice, think9ing about it too much will jsut give you a headache

  3. Ok..so..Isn't it try that guys masterbate even more when their actually IN a relationship!? My boyfriend says he hasn't masturbated in a long time, and whenever he gets horny when i'm away, he never does anything 'with' himself; that he'll wait for me. Is that unnormal? I guess I'm just looking for guys who explain to me lol.

  4. Well...yes, girls are definitely emotional, and some just seem to be that way, always pretending like they are always right. If this bothers you, i would DEFINITELY talk with her about it. I did the same thing with my boyfriend, and every time he tries to make me feel bad, I always bring it up, telling him that it feels like he's trying to blame me and everything, and he usually sees it and were still working it out..i hope that helped

  5. I've posted on here a few times on such topics of suicide, depression, and cutting. Well, I talk with my boyfriend about all of them, because he is the only one i am comforatable talking about it with. But even as we discuss it, it still feels like I'm only letting out a fraction, and no matter how hard i try to explain it, it never feels like everything comes out. It just feels like there is a big black chunk of sadness in me. I want to be able to open up and talk with him and just get everything out once and for all. Got any ideas?

  6. I definitely don't think that he wants the relationship to be over, and that the incident at the party was trulty a mistake. I don't think he would've strung you along, and especially since he said he would come down to see you soon.

    IF he doesn't come down, assuming it's because he doesn't want to be with you is not a good path; it's if he doesn't call to say he's not coming or if he doesn't give you a reason why then you want to be concerned. There could be things that he really can't get around, and though I don't know the rest of the story, I don't think that you guys are going to end

  7. Suicide is a very big thing, please try not to hurt yourself more than you deserve. Take a look around these forums, there is a lot of help here, and a lot of these people helped me from my suicidal state too.

    PM if you want to talk about it, I'm always here to help.

  8. If this is continually happenening, then it might just be the kind of girl you are trying to approach. For example, the blonde at the bar with overdone makeup and tight clothes might not be as approachable as the well-dressed conservative girl who looks a little lonely (a little overdramatic but you get my point). Some girls like to just impress their friends because they can be shallow like that, make themselves look better. If you try going for a girl who is not with her friend(s), then you might not loose as much self confidence if she says no (why should she?); she will not be trying to impress anyone, and she won't have anyone to turn to afterwards. Just my advice..

  9. Hi..a woman's reply on the topic now..


    Definitely what the guys are saying is true...try to be yourself. But i thinkg a big thing it to definitely NOT try to make up things to make youreself sound better. Its stupid..and I hate when guys says things that make them appear lavish and rich and just so awesome. If it's true, well, their a jerk for trying to make themselves sound better. and if theyre lies, well, if she finds out then you'll just be CONSIDERED a jerk anyway (i'm sorry for the meanness) just trying to give a real girls perspective on having it done

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