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Everything posted by Hungry4Answers

  1. i recently began dating a guy who i find truly amazing. not only have all his friends said that he's a one of a kind guy, but i have gotten the opportunity to be a part of his life. he has never had a gf before or even dated any girls because he's pretty picky (and he's in his mid-20s too), so knowing that he's chosen me to be his significant other has made me feel pretty special. the only thing is, i have been in 2 relationships already and i just feel like maybe i'm expecting too much. i feel like i want too much in too little time. we have only been dating officially for 2 weeks, but i feel like i want him to hold me or show affection towards me. he is great at showing he cares in other ways, like he never lets me pay or he'll fix stuff that's wrong with my car, etc. and there's no doubt in my mind that his feelings for me are mutual. i realize it takes time b/c he's new at this. i was even his first kiss! it was kinda strange, b/c i'm the one that normally doesn't know how to do anything, but now it's the opposite. it feels frustrating sometimes though b/c i'm not sure if he ever will break out of his shell. i'm definitely going to wait it out b/c i wouldn't give him up for anything. guess i'm just lookin for some reassurance...
  2. hehe, I feel ya man. It was kinda humorous to read your post since I just got done doing a post about some heavy stuff on my mind. I am no expert kisser, but from a girl's perspective though, I enjoy variation. It gets dull and redundant if u just keep doin the same soft kisses. I tend to carress my partner's tongue with mine gently and then gently nibbling on his lip. It's a huge turn on to be rough as well. But always start off gently to get a feel of what she wants too. Try outlining her lips with your tongue and flicking ur tongue up and down. To sum it up, change it up as much as u can. And if she responds to one better than another, use that more but don't overdo it. Good luck! and Happy Kissing!
  3. I apologize for making such a long post, but I cannot sum it up any less. If you have the patience to read this and post a reply, I greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much. I have thought about this night and day and I can't believe that I still cannot come to a clear answer for myself. I dated a guy for a month but he had hurt me in many ways. It was always me giving him attention and caring and I rarely got that back. We in fact broke up on Valentine's day because he wouldn't get up to go see this show I had gotten tickets for as part of a gift for him. I had just got up and walked out on him. I didn't even get anythnig from him for the occasion, but I had not expected anything. All I wanted was his time. I just felt like the chase was so much better than actually being a couple. Now we have been broke up for a little over a month and for the past couple weeks, it is evident that he's been wanting me back. He's jealous that other guys jumped at the opportunity right away after we broke up and I think this partly has to do with him wanting me back. He originally told me that he broke off the relationship because he didn't know what he wanted. He wasn't ready for a serious relationship and that also he was still feeling the effect of his breakup with his ex since the summer. There was a point though when we were happy together. I really fell head over heels for him at first because of his humor and charm. But this guy isn't even someone most people would picture me with. He doesn't work anymore, doesn't go to school anymore and basically drinks and parties. We are very different yet I looked past that and didn't listen to what people told me. They all assumed we broke up because I wouldn't have sex with him. I'm a hard-headed person and I guess I wanted to just follow my heart. I still feel we broke up for different reasons. Yesterday I had finally given him an answer to going back to him or not. Initially, I thought it was clear for me not to. During the month apart, I have been seeing many different people and just casually dating. Though I started to fall for someone who used to like me but didnt tell my ex. I thought maybe it was b/c I was feeling vulnerable, but now I can't stop thinking about this other guy. In general, he seems to be a much better guy than my ex. He has a job, he doesn't drink or smoke, and doesn't have a history of bad breakups or anything. In fact, I have found out from a friend that he's a great guy and that he's actually very picky about who he chooses. But I made the mistake of telling my ex that I was willing to give it a try. I wanted to really have him make up for what he did to me and his arguments were quite convincing that he is definitely willing to try. I know how much he regrets what he did but I know I should wait to see if he really does change. I dont want to hurt him, yet I don't know what to do. Should I just tell him that I'm not ready for a relationship? Or that I've started to like someone else? Or should I just wait it out and see like I originally planned? I basically figured if I dont try it again, I won't know. If I do tell him though that I dont' want this anymore, he would see me as the biggest hypocrite because yesterday we had a great time when we talked and it seemed like things were getting better already. I just dont even know what I want anymore. I feel like I deserve to be loved, and I miss that feeling of having someone. I am just so so lost.
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